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Thanks for making the best instance on Lemmy! A little downtime is all good
Shout out to Sunaurus for making and maintaining the best instance!
Noticed some things haven’t been loading today. This provides the answer. Thank you for the communication!
What kind of web hosting service needs to entirely shut down to do maintenance? Surely they could do a gradual rollout once they'd found a solution to the issue
Hetzner do have their downsides. But the prices are unbeatable! I just wish that the customer service people be a bit more humane
I've been meaning to get a hetzner server, they seem pretty good overall
Usually you don't need to shut it all down. But some customers might only pay for a VPS, they don't pay for redundant nodes in other DCs and so on. So if you have to upgrade a rack switch pair you just kinda have to deal with a few minutes of downtime
True a few minutes for one host but the way it was phrased sounds like the entire thing is going down for aa significant period of time