Why do people want raw dairy milk?
Some argue the pasteurization ruins nutritional value. It's too bad these people don't remember all the people dying from drinking raw milk in the past, but it's outside of our recent memories. It's sort of down antivax lane.
Flavor also. It just tastes different. OTOH, there's no reasonable way to ensure that it's safe when done on a large enough scale to be remotely profitable; most listeria is because the udders/teats are inadequately cleaned, and thus act as a vector for contamination.
This really isn't the case. If dairy products are well handled, cows are monitored, and there's routine testing then you can avoid the kind of disease outbreaks we had in the past. It's just cheaper to boil the shit out of milk.
I'd love to be able to get some to make cheese.
Raw milk cheese has exactly the same health risks unfortunately. Which is a shame because it's supposed to make better cheese.
No it doesn't.
Raw milk is illegal in Canada. Raw milk cheese is legal everywhere in Canada as long as it's aged at least 60 days. Though in Quebec, higher risk younger unpasteurized cheese is also legal. Unpasteurized cheese is also ubiquitous - available just about anywhere you can buy cheese. Anyone buying high end cheese is probably eating it without realizing it.
I think people mix up young and aged raw milk cheese. Aged 60+ days, the risks of pasteurized and unpasteurized cheese are about the same (very low but not zero). There isn't even any sort of pressure to ban them.
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