John Rustad would threaten the increasing unionization rates, the progress on electrification, the lower hydro rates, cheaper car insurance, quality of healthcare, worker safety, the fastest housing being built in the country, the old growth.
British Columbia
News, highlights and more relating to this great province!
Hmm I dunno. Sounds like stuff I'm concerned with.
As a former Albertan, GIGANTIC NO THANK YOU to a conservative government here.
Yup, the conservative governments are a dime a dozen around these parts and we're often missing out on the same nice things Norway and Switzerland have. 7 out of 10 provinces are conservative, if these people like John Rustad's Policies so much then they should consider moving out east where they can practice the "traditional values".
There are currently 6 replies to this that I cannot see. I assume that this means I have blocked the right people or more likely the alt-right people.
Good luck everyone. I'd post resources you can use but I'd rather no-one get used to using those, now. Take care of each other, we're all going to need the help.
Which provincial politician or health care representitive has stated that health care is going to have to be taken away for some people from treating injuries or illness?
The conservatives, they're looking at expanding privatization.
Given that halth care is a multifaceted syatem and not a monlith blob, which part of the system do they want to privatize and how would that reduce availability of heath care for illness and injuries?
You'd think there'd be some nuanced and targeted plan with specific actions laid out, wouldn't you?
There isn't:
He just mentions using out of province resources... while being more focused on bullshit antivax stuff while blathering on.
Privatization leads to lower care accessibility though, since privatization works by prioritizing healthcare by wealth. It's really inherent to the core concept.
Your sources are government news which are paid to lie to you and sell the government narative.
You can fuck off now. The CBC does have issues with bias sometimes but in this case they're just parroting what Rustad said.
Do you trust american owned postmedia more?
As opposed to the truth that the privately owned news media has on offer.
Independent media and digitial-only media is where there's more honest coverage. All broadcast media or traditional TV media is lying to you to comply with government narration in exchange for funding their irrelevent dying TV news.