lmao thanks for the help, App Store
Mlem for Lemmy
Official community for Mlem, a free and open-source iOS Lemmy client.
- Keep it civil.
- This is a forum for discussion about Mlem. We welcome a degree of general chatter, but anything not related to Mlem may be removed at moderator discretion. This is not a forum for iPhone/Android debate. Posts and comments saying nothing but "iOS bad/I use Android" will be removed as off-topic.
- We welcome constructive criticism, but ask that it be both precise and polite.
- When will insert feature here be implemented?
- Check our issue board--if there isn't an issue open for the feature you want, feel free to open an issue or make post! Just remember that devs are people too--we're doing this for free in our spare time, and building a quality app takes a lot of patient work.
- Is Mlem available for Android?
- No. Mlem is written using SwiftUI, which is not currently supported on Android. If such support becomes available, we will look into bringing Mlem to our Android friends.
- How do I join the beta?
- We are currently testing our new 2.0 codebase on TestFlight. We have two beta groups: a weekly group that receives the current state of our development branch every week, and a stable group that receives a curated pre-release build at the end of each development cycle.
- Join the weekly beta
- Join the stable beta
- How do I join the dev team?
- Head over to our recruitment channel, or go straight to our GitHub and read CONTRIBUTING.md to get started.
To be fair Plex is pretty awesome.
Plex has saved me, my friends, and family tons of money over the years.
I like the design and the layouts but there are a few things to improve. The biggest for now is the image viewer. When I click on a post it just opens the post with the title and comments, but not the image itself. I can’t zoom in or anything.
Overall though it’s very clean and off to a good start.
The image viewer is our #1 priority right now. To zoom you can tap the image once in the post view--we're working on getting a hotfix out shortly to make that work the intuitive way, where tapping the image in feed opens the quick viewer.
Longer-term, we're working on a much more robust, fully-featured media viewer, but it's a complex piece of code and we want to get it right--it's slated for our next milestone (1.1, targeted Aug 5).
Glad you’re working in the image viewer. As of this release, images don’t even open in the post view. Touching them does nothing.
This and scrolling lags/choppy after going back. Apart from that for initial launch this looks amazing, also loving those extra icons 👍.
Congrats! even though it has only been such a short time, It has been amazing seeing this project grow.
Congrats! I’m excited that Mlem is built in SwiftUI instead of a cross-platform framework. Native-built apps are usually so much better.
Me too! The differences really become apparent when more features are added. Battery life I notice. Also just the way the thing feels; I can intuit where things are in the app because I already know how to use my iPhone.
Also, this is my first post using Mlem!
Will the beta still see updates or should we switch to the App Store version?
Yes! We will continue using TestFlight to try out our beta features, so if you want the cutting (and maybe buggy) edge of our development, stay on there. If you just want the stable, reliable app, the App Store version is your friend.
I'm staying on beta to get first dibs on the coming improvements. lol. Congrats on the official app store release!
By far the best lemmy app on iOS. Thanks for all your hard work! Can’t wait to see where it goes :)
Just downloaded and will give it a try. Already really like the interface. Replying to a post needs some more obvious buttons, but this is great so far.
Why does it require iOS 16? I am on 15.7 on an iPhone SE Second generation
There are a couple smaller reasons, but the big one is that we use NavigationStack
to handle our core view navigation--it's a truly monumental improvement over the old NavigationView
, and lets us do things like build an iPad version without rewriting all our nav stuff, but it is unfortunately only compatible with iOS 16+.
I know that's probably not a super satisfactory answer, but I'd rather be transparent than spin some PR nonsense at you.
Thanks for the quick reply! I just wanted to confirm it wasn’t something superficial. I’ll look into updating and see what the performance hit looks like
The less headache for the devs, the better. I fully support this decision
Does that mean an iPad view is on the cards?
Yes! We're planning to get it into beta as part of our 1.2 milestone, which should start development early August
Great news, looking forward to it!
Just in case you're not aware, your phone is compatible with iOS 16
Oh I know. I’ve just been burned many times in the past with upgrading iOS on older phones so I generally avoid it these days until I have a compelling reason to upgrade. Forced obsolescence and all that
Love your app! I’ll take a look at your GitHub and see if there’s anything I can help with.
I have nothing constructive to add except CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK!!
I love seeing the memes devs are choosing for the screenshots for these apps. Well done!
Awesome. Just downloaded it. Congratulations guys.
I love it on my ipad, but I really wish I could save images.
We’re working on a fully-featured media viewer with the image saving + a whole bunch more—stay tuned for the next update!
Congratulations! Wonderful release. For me it‘s feature complete. Nice to have would be a dark gray mode and an option to see downvotes, but that‘s not a must-have. I love it as it is and deleted the other Testflight clients.
Awesome 🥳
I'm going to try it soon. Any comparisons to Memmy right now? I'm glad there is variety out there now
Nicer looking comment section. Logical position of subscriptions. Beautiful animation when collapsing posts. Just to mention my favorites.
I personally love the competition between the app developers. Memmy just released a big update yesterday that had a ton of improvements, so I switched from Mlem to Memmy for the day to test it out. It's a race between who can make the better app and it benefits us the users.
Fantastic work. The app is lovely!
downloaded, 5-star rated, reviewed
congrats and good luck!
I’m glad to have a fully ios native app available
Cool! Just installed from App Store!
I most certainly just downloaded the app. I’m so excited about what’s to come. :)
I've heard of this app during the past month but this is the first time seeing the icon. Holy shit is it adorable! And... I never saw it as mlem, I read it as m-lem so I also feel a little dumb
I'm on Android and waiting for sync or else I'd try it out. Good luck!!