I like how the Pixel 9 looks, and will probably get it just to put GrapheneOS on it lol
Yeah that's the only way out of this madness.
Holy privacy invasion Batman!
Recorder transcribes locally without Internet connection and touching the cloud. I bet this will work the same way. I can't see them being able to market such a feature that send your calls to the cloud. Not to mention it might be illegal here and there. Wiretapping laws aren't joking matter. In some places even one party consent isn't enough.
You can cling to that and trust Recorder.
I’ll avoid both like the plague and sit by smugly when the “we accidentally sent it to the cloud” press release is published
Totally valid take given a threat model where you have zero trust in Google. It also implies there should be no system components from Google on the device though since they have root and they can exfiltrate data accidentally too.
I mean, that depends massively on how it is implemented, doesn't it.
If it's all processed locally, and stored either locally or using client-side encryption, then I'm all for it.
If it's plugging into their cloud bullshit, no thank you.
You expect Google to.... Respect our privacy??
Afaik calls aren't end to end encrypted, so I'm pretty sure someone in the middle is doing this already regardless.
Hmm windows is rolling out auto screenshot recording and your phone is set to transcribe every conversation.
Having a free operating system like Linux or graph is very quickly becoming a requirement
This is some scary shit. If they can analyze and record, then they can change what someone hears you say. TV manufacturer companies are already processing images from the raw feed to sometimes unwanted feeds (including adding ads). Edit: Wait til they have ads in the middle of your phone call. Or, watch this ad before you can see your text. “This text has been modified to do such and such”. We are fucked. Thinking about getting a landline.
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