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i will never understand the inability for people driving vehicles like this to say shit like "never buy a small vehicle, this 3 ton truck saved my life, it's basic physics"

Yeah, and if i'm rolling a freight train and someone gets in my way, i won't even notice, it's basic physics.

[-] okamiueru@lemmy.world 16 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

American "I got mine" mentality at its finest. Too much lead poisoning (my leading hypothesis. You don't elect someone like Trump unless there is something seriously wrong) to realise it's a race to the bottom. When enough people do something at the expense of others, what a surprise when others also do it at the expense of you, and it all turns to shit.

It's this absurd country of "Christian" values, except not the part of caring for others, "fuck that socialism hippie shit, except for Russia, which is cool now because they meddle in our elections... Or, they meddle in favour of my team! We need to do something about the socio-economic situation! What, unions? No fuck that Marxist shit you commie!"

Etc. It's all just too dumb. Hence, lead poisoning hypothesis.

[-] Cypher@lemmy.world -2 points 3 days ago

It's from Australia. Care to try again?

[-] Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In@lemmy.world 21 points 3 days ago

Australian "I got mine" mentality at its finest. Too much lead poisoning (my leading hypothesis. You don't elect someone like Pauline Hanson unless there is something seriously wrong) to realise it's a race to the bottom. When enough people do something at the expense of others, what a surprise when others also do it at the expense of you, and it all turns to shit.

It's this absurd country of "Christian" values, except not the part of caring for others, "fuck that socialism hippie shit, except for China, which is cool now because they meddle in our elections... Or, they meddle in favour of my team! We need to do something about the socio-economic situation! What, unions? No fuck that Marxist shit you commie!"

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this post was submitted on 26 Jun 2024
867 points (96.7% liked)

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