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[-] fossilesque@mander.xyz 42 points 4 days ago

There's a certain irony between people having insurance who also need a gofundme... It begs the question, what exactly is the purpose of the insurance?

[-] Facebones@reddthat.com 32 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

To take your money then say no when you need healthcare.

Basically, everything is priced arbitrarily high to a comical degree because of insurance so you "need" insurance companies to "negotiate" prices (which are already set for them, there's no actual negotiations - just the goofy "retail" price and the still exploitative "insurance" price) and then if its covered the insurance pays a fraction of THAT (closer to a "normal" price) and its considered settled.

So, even if your insurance won't cover it, you need them so you get the exploitative price instead of the comical price from the provider. There's no way to pay the "normal" price unless you're an insurance company.

[-] Holzkohlen@feddit.de 3 points 4 days ago

That's not how insurance works in my country. You have the shittiest system imaginable or what? Like did you consult Satan on how to set it up?

[-] Facebones@reddthat.com 5 points 4 days ago

Like did you consult Satan on how to set it up?

Worse, capitalists.

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this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
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