Tesla said on Tuesday it was recalling most Cybertrucks in the United States over issues with their windshield wipers and exterior trim.

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[-] NateNate60@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago
[-] TachyonTele@lemm.ee 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Lmao! You're just going to totally disregard what you said yesterday about making money off it?

Love it.

I made around 2,000-3,000 USD monthly, moving around 40,000 USD in volume.

People would ask me to sell them crypto and then I’d buy it on a crypto exchange and then sell it to them.

Are you on drugs?

[-] NateNate60@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago

You don't seem to know the meaning of the word "spend".

How much have I bought in crypto to hold myself? I don't hold any crypto. The answer is zero.

The figure that appears in column E of Form 8949? Over a million USD.

You answers seethe of jealousy. You keep trying to pin the label "crypto bro" on me because you want to dismiss me as someone not worth listening to, and the money I earned as illegitimate and fake. You argue not because you think you're right, but because you can't bear to be wrong. To you, crypto is a scam with no use and everything it touches turns to shit, and everyone who says otherwise must therefore hold the opposite opinion and think everything it touches turns to gold. Binary thinking at its worst.

Your thinking is simplistic and devoid of nuance. You're right about one thing though. I am condescending. Because you deserve it.

Reply if you desperately need to put in the last word with a feigned aura of coolness, and laugh it off, because there are no more arguments to be made. Only insults left. You won't receive a response, and I won't even read whatever you write, because this conversation is over.

Go buy a Cybertruck or something.

[-] TachyonTele@lemm.ee 1 points 4 days ago

Cool story, bro. Hope it works out for you.

this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
211 points (94.9% liked)


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