Customer service (lemmy.world)
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[-] Fredselfish@lemmy.world -2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

You know it might also be the horrible customer service people are receiving now a days thar set them off as well.

I worked customer service and most times the angry customers were my best customers. If I just let them rant they let out all the angry and then I could help them.

I don't know if it's the agents or managers but today 90% of customer service agents ( over the phone) seem not to want to be helpful, no matter how kind you are. They stick to the script so tight that they almost not human.

Every time I have ask for a manager to slove what customer service could've but didn't do.

But the number one issue with customer service (again call centers) is having to explain yourself to a robot that will not accept "I want to speak to customer service" as a valid response. Then tapping through 22 promts then after a two hour hold all the while listening to the most horrible hold music. You finally get someone on the phone that treats you has if you have burden them with calling. It frustrating and it's no wonder customers are upset.

Now far as retail it's different but you still get shit managers that won't let you just help a customers. Like going into a grocery store see 6 employees standing around and only 1 line open with cashier. Like what the hell.

I know they aren't all trained to be cashiers but why not cross train all employees in retail so they can help everyone.

[-] Kiosade@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 weeks ago

They have to pay cashiers more, that’s why. If they train everyone to be a cashier, then they’re paying everyone more, and they sure as hell don’t want to do that.

this post was submitted on 07 Jun 2024
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