Very cool social commentary, I think better than the Orville episode with the Up and Downvote society.
Though, at the end, I did hate everybody and wanted them to be eaten.
I do question having two "doctor lite" episodes back to back.
Imteresting music choices too... Didn't we just have the Flying Purple People Eater? Now we have Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini...
Edit My bad, Flying Purple People Eater was in X-Men '97, which I also just watched. Easy mistake to make!
If next episode is Everybody's Heard About the Bird...
Maybe the dots had grown to hate the inhabitants of Finetown so much that they just enjoyed watching them get eaten by slugs. I mean sure they could just headbutt them to death...but which is funnier?
After the end of the episode I can totally understand that point of view.
I could totally see that... plus the slugs dispose of the bodies, keeping the city neat and clean.
I could see the slugs already existing as a waste disposal solution and the dots just 'redirecting' them too...