Feedback on hexclad cookware?
A place to share practical, durable and quality made products that are made to last, with an emphasis on upcycled and sustainable products!
Things that are well-made and durable (even if they won't last a lifetime) are A-Okay!
Unlike that other BIFL place, Home-made and DIY items are encouraged here, as long as some form of instruction is included in the body of the post.
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Firmly agree. Non-stick is the result of PFAS (specifically PTFE) being temporarily bonded to a metal pan. You can buy a pan with better metal, but PFAS aren't durable, so you are eating it right away, and it doesn't break down once it's in your body.
"Ceramic" nonstick is not ceramic, it's just another coating. It's likely healthier, but also not as durable as metal.
Cast iron properly used is fairly nonstick, and the coating is not harmful, and it's self healing. Carbon steel works the same as cast iron from a non-stick perspective. Also, for most foods, sticking is not a bad thing; people just need to let the food cook until it releases without trying to poke it around. Stainless steel is super cheap and durable.