I had a friend who once bought up an entire end cap of clearance Furbies from Target.
The only thing more disturbing than his handmade Furby pelt was his army of skinless Furby robots.
Like this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GYLBjScgb7o&pp=ygULZnVyYnkgb3JnYW4%3D
I had a friend who once bought up an entire end cap of clearance Furbies from Target.
The only thing more disturbing than his handmade Furby pelt was his army of skinless Furby robots.
Like this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GYLBjScgb7o&pp=ygULZnVyYnkgb3JnYW4%3D