When I want to find an app I haven't pinned to the home screen I swipe up from the bottom of the home screen to bring up a search bar where I can search for an app by name or scroll through list of all apps on the phone.

Thing is the search bar on my new pixel phone is actually a Google search bar that will search apps locally at the same time as providing web results, especially if it can't find the app by name.

It's a nice idea in theory but in practice I find it annoying, especially if I've just made a typo. Also, I'm just never going to use this search bar for web searching anyway because for that I would want my chosen browser so the web results are of no use to me.

I actually remember my old phone used to do what I wanted it to do, then one day it switched to what my new phone currently does and after a long time I found the solution to return it back to it's previous behaviour except now I've forgotten what I did.

I only want to search my phone's local storage for apps matching my keyword when I access the app drawer. How do I get rid of this Google search bar? (I'd love to get rid of the Google search bar from the home screen itself as well but I understand I can't do that without root on stock android.

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[-] ianovic69@feddit.uk 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Best way is to use a different launcher. You can install a few and switch between them. Setting up a new one can be a bit time consuming but you get a feel for them doing so. Keep notes.

I used Nova for years but unfortunately it's now owned by a data collection company. I found it difficult to find another but since being on Lemmy and reading posts like these, I've finally moved to Niagara.

It's very different but I suggest it for you because of your need tothe search for installed apps. That's what it's based around, there's no separate app drawer. It's very clever and easy to use once set up, and well worth the effort.

~~The win is that it's FOSS.~~

It's not FOSS but the privacy policies are decent. You can read a summary here.

Most features are free but the paid version has a seven day trial. It's a very reasonable cost which you pay annually and I think it's worth it if you're going to use the app. It's very mature and the dev deserves to get paid for it, especially at the low cost he's asking. Check his website.

As you can probably tell, I'm a huge fan.

EDIT - as pointed out, it's not FOSS. My apologies and I've edited accordingly.

[-] uzay@infosec.pub 6 points 2 weeks ago

Niagara Launcher is not FOSS, it's closed-source. If you want an open-source search-based launcher, there are Kvaesitso and KISS Launcher for example

[-] ianovic69@feddit.uk 4 points 2 weeks ago

You are correct. I apologise and I'll edit my comments. I don't know why I thought it was foss but looking at the policies it seems reasonably decent.

I'll check those suggestions as well. Thanks for setting me straight!

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this post was submitted on 14 May 2024
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