
I think it's interesting seeing people in the restroom. Like if it's just some number 1, conversation time. But if it's number 2, no eye contact, no words to be had. Like you're ashamed of your own poo baby. Be proud of that loaf bro... You made that with your own body.

#funny @showerthoughts #poo #humor

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[-] qkall@mastodon.social 0 points 4 weeks ago


i'm not the one starting these convos, it's just an observation with my interactions.

this post was submitted on 03 May 2024
-22 points (23.8% liked)


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A "Showerthought" is a simple term used to describe the thoughts that pop into your head while you're doing everyday things like taking a shower, driving, or just daydreaming. The best ones are thoughts that many people can relate to and they find something funny or interesting in regular stuff.


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