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[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 8 points 2 months ago

I'm the same but mostly because of health issues.

I live in country side and have some farm work to do, but because I'm allergic to grass and dandruff ( don't know the exact word for english ) if I go out in short's I will end up with legs full of red spots and itchy af.

When working with hayballs I literally need to have long sleeves and a mask to not have red spots on hands and not start to have problems breathing at times when my allergy is in full throthle at 30-40 celcius weather in summer.

The irony of being in countryside and having a farm but being allergic to what you work with.

this post was submitted on 04 Apr 2024
1142 points (96.7% liked)

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