submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Darth_Vader__@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world

Watched Oppenheimer today. It's a fantastic film. Christopher Nolan is a fucking genius. The way the movie is structured, the quality of scenes, the general feel, everything is so refreshing. It was a revelation when most of the movies releasing are woke shit.

But still barbie gets more popular than Oppenheimer? What? I watched trailers and reviews of barbie and from what I know, it's a woke shit that tells matriarchy is better than patriarchy, with a bit of comedy admittedly. I mean yes they can have their freedom of speech, but how does a film like that shadows a fucking artwork like Oppenheimer? What am I missing?

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[-] Xylinna@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

Your comment of "woke shit" and "pls be civil" cancel each other out there.

But with not seeing either movie, I would say the big difference is Barbie is a family movie. Now is Oppenheimer a better movie from a technical standpoint? Absolutely, but parents can't really drop the kids off to go watch a rate R movie.

[-] rephlekt2718@kbin.social 8 points 11 months ago

lol that got me too, like bud you started not being civil . Also I love both movies, but you cant be suprised that people don’t wanna be bummed watching a movie about a massive death event and instead want a comedy

this post was submitted on 29 Jul 2023
-60 points (7.1% liked)


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