shower chair
The sublemmy for "Old People Facebook" is a curated space showcasing the charming, confusing, and often hilarious social media endeavors of the older generation. From accidental memes and cryptic status updates to endearing attempts at using modern technology, this sublemmy celebrates the unique ways seniors engage with the digital world.
After I injured my hip at church last year the shower stool has been my best friend. My husband Harold past back in January. 48 years we were together. Every night around 7:30 he would ask me if I needed to use the bathroom before he went in to s$%t, shower, and shave. So when I got my stool, I turned it around on him and I'd say it's time for me to make stool, take stool, and I forget the the other stool. I swear I would forget where I put my toenails if I hadn't gotten them all removed due to my diabeteets. By the way, Peggy Smithsmorthanson neighbor has passed so send your prayers.