I have Kodi installed now, I will probably test OSMC later today, are there any other programs similar to them that I could test?
What I am mostly interested in:
- fullscreen mode (dark mode / theme preferably, even if I would have to make it manually somehow)
- option to navigate my drive or external drive
- xbox controller support
- subtitles support
What I want to accomplish is quite simple, every now and then I want to play a movie from my pc on my tv (connected via hdmi) and I don’t want to use mouse or keyboard while watching it to pause or turn the volume up a notch.
Kodi is kinda okay for all that but it feels a little wonky and pretty often makes a mess with my files, creating duplicates or ghost files on lists..
Thanks for any help!
Why.. Why I haven’t thought about that..
Thank You! I am using my AHK script for so many different things already but I have never thought that I even could map controller inputs to do anything there.. When I was rewriting things from v1 to v2 and tidying everything up, I was reading the wiki a lot but not even once saw controller mapping as an option.
Or maybe I just don’t remember?
I always knew AHK was really versatile but it just keeps on coming with yet another pleasant surprise! Plenty of reading ahead of me!
Lol, actually that's on me. I was an idiot and confused AHK with Joy2Key for some reason.
However, I did find this on the AHK wiki, although it seems like Microsoft, as usual, makes things harder than they need to be:
Still, it's worth a shot regardless. Seems like it does support gamepads but there might also be some tinkering required.
Yeah, got this page opened in my browser already, just for the v2. I will definitely play with that and do some testing on what can be achieved with all that.
I still have no clue why I didn’t even consider AHK as a solution or at least a partial solution when it was the solution so many times before already..