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[-] Reddfugee42@lemmy.world 50 points 5 months ago

I love it when uninformed troglodytes complain about a hole in the screen. They didn't add a hold in the screen. The hole was already there. They just wrapped your screen around it for more screen. ๐Ÿ˜…

[-] mySFWaccount@lemmy.ca 7 points 5 months ago

Haha, that's a pretty good point.

[-] Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

It's really infuriating seeing the downvoted on some other replies that point this out. The time/notifications/battery bar along the top used up screen space. Now those notifications are in the formerly dead space with the camera. It is objectively better. It's not debatable because there is measurably more useable screen space without making the phone larger.

[-] dejected_warp_core@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago

That's nothing. Wait until manufacturers figure out that the optimal place for that "hole" is 1-2 inches lower than that. People are going to have a fit about dead pixels in the middle of the screen, even though they can now facetime with "eye contact".

[-] fallingcats@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 5 months ago

That's been solved already by apple and nvidia: Just correct your eye direction with ai.

this post was submitted on 14 Jan 2024
1390 points (97.2% liked)


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