submitted 11 months ago by faltuuser@lemmy.world to c/android@lemmy.world

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[-] Devgard@lemmy.world 93 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

In respect to you guys modding the original r/Android, I will leave this up, unlocked. But please, don't make any more new posts here advertising r/Android V2.

~~Let the games begin I guess.~~

Edit: Please read this.

[-] lightrush@lemmy.ca 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Why shouldn't they do "r/Android V2" posts? Is android@lemmy.world "The Android community"? Are we going to put a non-compete rule in writing or spirit for this community? How tone-deaf would this be in the current Reddit upheaval context? The Fediverse is literally about anti-monopilization. !android@lemmy.world just so happens to be one community named "Android" among others on other instances. It also happens to be on the largest instance for now. But a successful, large community doesn't have to be on the largest instance. That's not how federation works. Ultimately all of us users check the number of user subs before we subscribe or we just sub to all. Being the first to register this community on this instance isn't what's gonna determine that. Whichever "The Android community" becomes on Lemmy, it requires moderation work and likely that will determine the final result. If the /r/Android mods want to tell us where the new version of it is, they can do that in a lot more channels than "!android@lemmy.world”, like the various tech or Reddit related communities across the instances. Someone posting this here shouldn't trigger any special feelings in my opinion as it's no different or significantly more influential. The battle for creating a Reddit alternative is much bigger one than who's gonna claim they own this or that piece of land. So I'd welcome every free labor team (mod teams) from Reddit to Lemmy and help them get started even if it means that I have to cede some space. We supported these folks during the blackouts, why should we stop doing so when they decided to migrate? Isn't that the logical continuation of the same events?

[-] Devgard@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

Let me explain my reply.

From my POV, OP's post initially came across as advertisement, but targeted. Imagine that this community is an Apple store. To me this post seemed as if Samsung or Google had put up an ad directly in the middle of the store, trying to take back some customers.

It was my mistake to assume that OP posting was one of the mods.

I'm 100% ok with both communities co-existing, after all, the more content there is, the more likely the Fediverse will succeed. The only reason I was annoyed at first, was because of an advertisement for a similar community that came out of nowhere, with no notice/warning whatsoever, which in hindsight is completely understandable as this post wasn't at all made by the mods over at !android@lemdro.id.

Tl;dr I just wasn't comfortable with how the advertisement just appeared, as it seemed like a direct attack to steal people, but I was most definitely wrong with my assumptions. My reply was made solely on the assumption that the mods of !android@lemdro.id had posted this, and for that I am sorry.

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