Why Do Teens Use TikTok for Mental Health Diagnoses?
Technology for a Solar-Punk future.
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A lot of recent studies in both psychiatry and psychology have shown they are not as hard-sciencey as they would like to be. Chemical balance as as cause for depression for example was recently dismissed. The definitions of the DSM are ever shifting and changing, almost as if they were made up - luckily they took the gay out of there as a disorder, thank you very much! I would say not all of it is a scam, and based on 19th century old white men's weird ideas, but the whole of it is definitely only one model of the actual mental health landscape of people, and a very bad one at that.
I don't dismiss the existence of mental health challenges. I don't believe that we would all be mentally well in some imagined utopia. I have lived with mental health challenges myself all my life - probably on what is commonly called the ASD/ADHD spectrum* but undiagnosed because I wasn't a boy. So I kind of slipped through the grid and had to figure things out for myself, and had to come up with uncommon adaptations. And that has indeed given me privilege or better said advantage compared with those friends and family who somehow got into contact with psychiatry and/or psychology. They were locked up, told the way they think is wrong, misdiagnosed, medicated with stuff that now in many cases proves to cause lasting damage in the brain, the list goes on. Most people I know who started medication for mental health issues continue medication, for all their lives, often with awful side effects that end up being way worse than the actual issue.
Plus, a lot (not all!) of the mental health services currently available are geared to 'maintain' people so they can withstand increasingly abusive employment situations and ever increasing financial hardship. That's enabling abuse in my book, and I want no part of it. They could encourage a 4 day work week and liveable wages instead and see how people's mental health improves.