and people wonder why we say PHP is a meme
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
Good developers don't get tribal about the tools they use
It makes them able to switch away from them for better ones
I use typescript now
This entire thread is a tribal post that I had a problem with!! You don’t seem to understand this but I don’t care.
Pointing out what sucks in a language isn't tribalism, calling people "bad developers" when they don't like your tool on the other hand, ...
Hard sell. Calling people you know nothing about “bad developers” because they don’t like your tool on the other hand, that was cringe as hell and just made you look like you somehow tied your self-worth to php. "If my tool gets criticized; that means I'm being criticized!"
If you don't give in to that, you start to see "Oh, that bug wouldn't have happened if I'd been using [x]" and you become a better developer
When a woodworker cuts iself with a bandsaw, people who do what you do scream "He's a bad woodworker!"
And while they're screaming, we invented guardrails
Gotta block you. This is nothing I want any part of.
Dude who gives a shit to know that