[We've just put out a quick bump to 0.10.9 to include a few fixes. Notes below apply to 0.10.8 and 0.10.9]
Lots of great changes have been added by our growing team of contributors as highlighted below. If you want to join the team come and say hello at the team discussion on Matrix
Updates should appear on TestFlight and Play Store today.
v0.10.9 Release
Hey everyone! I know it's been a few days since we've released but we've got a feature packed release today! Thanks to all our users and the continued feedback, keep it coming!
Change log
- Added MP4 and some redgif support (jjcomer)
- Added swipe gesture actions! (shocklateboy92)
- Added photo cropping before upload! (mykdavies)
- Added code of conduct and tweaks for iOS release (mykdavies)
- Redesign of home tab and themes colors (swmarks & a_minh)
- Fixed alignment of post pills/chips (mykdavies)
- Redesign of compact view to be more compact (zachatrocity)
- Added help text on account page to help guide the user (mykdavies)
- Added RU (asher) and EO (mykdavies) language localisations
- Tons of bug fixes!

Known Issues
- We hear your concerns about dark mode and will address these.
- Swipe actions against posts don't always update the post's icons.
What's coming
- iOS and Android full release! We'll keep test flight and early access going for beta testers!
Hey, not sure if this is the case for others but the second tab (I think it's meant to be subbed communities) is broken and has been for awhile now. Something about a null something or other. Will edit to add the correct error in a sec.
App looks great otherwise though I do agree about it being a bit dark. Someone suggested a grey mode in the colour of the old dark mode and I would love that
E: error is "null check operator used on null value"
This is a lingering error with the forced logout that some instances did. You can remove and re add your account and it will be fixed or you can wait a few days and we'll get it fixed.
Had the same issue, this fixed it for me. Thanks!
I've logged out and back in twice and the issue is persisting. I don't mind waiting but thought it would be good for you to know.
It seems there was an account I had not logged in and out of, once I logged out all my accounts once it worked. I thought that it would only pull up my main account subscriptions, not all of them