Currently, I am have a VMware vCenter 7 4 node cluster. These are the Lenovo m920q machines with 64GB RAM each. I also have a Synology 4 Disk NAS too.
I deploy standard VMs and Rancher k8s clusters and use full automation (mainly Terraform) to build everything.
Why VMware? Mainly to get experience on it.
Why am I interested in OpenStack? Mainly because I have used it before and really enjoyed that experience as it feels more like a true cloud environment.
So, my question is this.... Has anyone switched one way or the other? Were you glad at switching or do you regret it?
If you did switch, what is a good way to setup multi node OpenStack? I see people recommend at least one separate controller vs the compute nodes?
I mostly just followed the official docs, and yeah, stuff will have changed dramatically in the last few years (I'm also better at running a lab than I was at the time, oh well).