The internet used to feel like a treasure hunt. Let’s bring that back.
Find a cool or useful website on the internet. Share it here so others Lemmings can bookmark it too.
This is pretty good and cool. Already found some hidden gems I didn't know about. Possible suggestion for another category is for youtube channels. Youtube's algorithm sucks now and there are only about 4 youtube channels I regularly watch. So it'll be cool to have a category to suggest good content creators on youtube .
I know this is an XY fallacy type response but you mentioned YouTube sucks now so I'd like to interject.
Use the subscriptions tab. If you only watch 4 channels, sub to those channels.
I have subbed to all of them but video recommantions on youtube aren't even related to the video or even topic nowadays I find. I get mrbeast wannabees in the related tab despite never watching them. I can't find new channels because algorithm even with no influence recommends stuff I'm not interested in unlike when youtube was first around and it recommended you content creators based on your personal watches and not the algorithm
I installed the YouTube Enhancer extension in Firefox, and hid the recommended videos. They are mostly a distraction at this point.
I find new channels mostly from crossover/collab videos on the channels I do watch.
I did think about that, but the problem with that is I might have to then feature instagram creators (Thank god TikTok is banned jk :P)
I do wanna feature some youtueb videos, idk what should I do.
I would love suggestions.
Maybe content creators in general? I'm just spitballing but ultimately it's up to you.
For suggestions on content creators.
Grant Wisler. Very underrated comedy skit maker. Reminds me of the early days of smosh and those kind of youtube videos but blends the skits with modern storytelling so it can go from a skit into a existenital piece of art and it doesn't feel jarring at all. I feel like he's going to make it big if more people knew about him.
Misohungrie. Cooking channel but cooks from those cookbooks based on fictional IP (One Piece, Ninja turtles, Gremlins even) to see if the food in the cookbooks is actually any good or if it's just a cashgrab. It's a very specific niche but a niche no one else is doing to my knowledge and he does it well.
Another cooking channel, sortedfood. Just a group of british mates having fun cooking food and learning about food. Sometimes they gameify things by having challenges but you always learn something new when watching it.
Ah I do wanna bring a category that says Creators or something like that. Okay then I think it is possible for me to then tag them to a platform like youutbe Or instagram. Could be nice yeah. Also thanks for the suggestions watching Grant Wisler as I type. :D