Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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Steam literally forced me to install it when I bought Portal on CD back in the day.
The only thing that was on that CD was a Steam installer and a code.
This is kind of like complaining that you have to own a Switch to play Nintendo 1st party games.
Portal is a Valve game. Steam is the PC launcher for Valve games.
FWIW, Portal was available on other platforms without Steam. I had my copy of the Orange Box for the Xbox 360 and that didn't require Steam or a Steam account to play.
Civ 5 for me. I stuck with physical because "all my games in one place" was my CD binder.
Steam suuuuuuuuucked back then I avoided it just as much as the "Fuck Epic" people do to that. Hated everything it stood for. The idea of a launcher for a game was madness.
I got over it.