That's all they're good for.
General rules:
Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the mods.
I used to carry "business cards" to place on cars that take more than one parking space.
They looked very much like that, but read:
"I hope you don't fuck like you park, you'll never get it in.
Assholes like you should ride the bus!"
Protip: Stick the cards on the passenger side rear-view mirror.
That way the driver won't notice them at first until they want to start driving, and then they have to get out of the car and walk around it to take it off.
Bold of you to assume that people who park across multiple stalls use their mirrors
I got one of these once and I thought it was hilarious because I drove a tiny Toyota Corolla at the time and I was parked in my normal work spot. I think it was from a douche who was parked in front of me, ironically in a giant pickup truck. I worked next to a PetsMart so I’m thinking they weren’t able load something into the back of their truck since they were backed into the spot. I kept that card for years and finally got rid of it when I got a new car. Ahh memories 😆