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Crickets on all Republican corruption though, right?
Y'all are trying to portray yourselves as the uncorrupted faction, yet here is the most blatant corruption of them all, from the president himself!
So then, will you call out the blatant corruption by the incoming President as well?
The private talks with foreign powers since the last time he was in office and the utter silence from the Right tells me that no, you won't. Anyone with half a brain knows how utterly full of shit this pearl clutching is...but at least it's on model for conservatives: hypocrisy all the way down.
I don’t like this pardon one bit but you’re acting like 2017-2020 never happened. You don’t have the high ground here
Why is this more blatant than e.g. charging the secret service for rooms in the presidents hotels? Or mandating bibles from a certain seller for schools? Or having a company like Trump media which is used to funnel money to him?