Mental Health
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I agree with the other poster, but wanted to share what I did in a similar situation.
I woke up one day with a rash on my hip. Over the next three days it spread to my whole body, I started getting swelling in my hands, feet, and face, and I was in an incredible amount of pain. This was in the middle of shutdown for Covid, so I couldn't just go to my doctor. Eventually I went to an urgent care after my husband insisted and drove me to four different locations to find one that had room. They diagnosed me with an allergic reaction and gave me IV Benadryl and light pain meds.
After confirming I hadn't eated anything new recently, the nurses there suggested I check my meds to see if I had any allergies there. I hadn't technically been on any 'new' meds, so I looked them all up online to review the interactions and warnings myself. Turns out one of the meds I was on had a rare, but not unheard of, effect of a patient having a delayed allergic reaction. I made sure none of my other meds had the same thing and called my doctor to reference that specific section of the drug overview. They checked on their end and agreed and told me to stop the med immediately since it was safer to do than risking further reaction.
I would suggest doing a bit of research on those and, if you go with an elimination method, check which ones can cause dangerous complications if stopped immediately.
Thank you I am going to try to do that !