Memes that are too meirl for /c/meirl.
Respect the community. If you're not into self-deprecating/dark/suicidal humor then this place isn't for you. Kindly just block and move on. This is just how some of us cope.
Respect one another.
All titles must begin with 2meirl4meirl. This is for multiple reasons. One is just so you can be lazy with titles but another is so people who aren't into this kind of humor can avoid it.
Otherwise just the general no bigotry, no dickishness, no spam, no malice, etc stuff.
Sidebar will be updated when I feel like and considering I'm Sadboi extraordinaire we'll see when that will be.
The doctor likely has a private practice, so without the heinous pressure of working in a hospital and all the money that comes from being part of the medical industrial complex, its no wonder the doctor isn't depressed.
Contrary what you may perceive on the internet, most people aren't depressed, not just doctors with their private practices.
Well, they probably never bother to reflect on their own actions, nor the backdrop dumpster-fire we call society. That, with the rapidly approaching line-of-no-return heating of ocean water is enough to realize Humanity is a pox upon the Earth, and yet somehow we are supposed to reconcile these feelings and our very existence and desire for personal fulfillment in the face of overwhelming evidence that we are mostly powerless in the grand scheme of things.
So yeah, stupid people and narcissists are generally happier.
I won't pretend that it's easy, but people can be in a decent state of mind while acknowledging these issues. That's how most people live. You don't need to be stupid or evil to be happier. Being stupid and/or narcissistic bring their own problems too, so that's not necessarily a recipe for happiness.
Noooo people can't be happy! Unless they are stupid.
Because most people have more immediate and direct issues to tackle in their life than being philosophical about society at large. We can't all be Diogenes.
You need a certain level of comfort and safety to be able to start worrying about shit like that.
And dwelling on those things helps you... how?
LIES! SLANDER! How dare this person reply with a nuanced take!