I don't know how to say this to you...
Post whatever you want as long as it doesn't break any rules:
Be civil. No trolling, flamebaiting, etc.
No religion, no politics, and try to avoid posting anything too controversial.
Have fun!
Worcestershire (Wuss - ter - sher) Worcester (Wuss - ter) Shire (sher)
You might think: War - sest- er - shy - er, but it's not.
Another one some people struggle with is Gloucestershire, looks like: glow - sest - er - shy - er but actually sounds like: Gloss - ter - sher.
I counter that with what my thouroughly midwestern American family has always called it: "wooster sauce".
Damn, did they have a competition with the French over who's got the most surplus letters in their language?