DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
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They did seem quite unsure of what their values should be. I think thats a negative for some people that a persons values seem to change to match the audience. The pre-planned replies didnt help either. Kept hearing the same points almost to a word.
Why's it so hard to speak like a human being for the democrats? Make fun of trump all we want, his McDonalds video was not a bad look, it was personable.
I just typed another reply to the effect that Democrats can't express strong values because of the inherent contradiction of being a corporatist party trying to appeal to workers for votes. I would add that it's not only a bad look, but a bad political tactic: If you don't state your values, your opponents are more than happy to fill in the blanks with whatever batshit nonsense serves their purpose.