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Nobody said you should drink bleach but the president stumbled through words and talked about getting cleaning chemicals and light into the body. Which the secretary at the time had to course correct and make clear.
Republicans always try the fuckin "I didn't say the EXACT magic words" bullshit
The president stood up there and talked out of his ass in such a confused manner people aren't sure what he said. He also told people to use dewormer and expressed such a confusing message his own followers did try to use dewormer and cleaning products on their bodies.
He didn't say the magic words you're right wow you win. 🙄
He never said he supported the Proud Boys or whatever only that they should stand by and stand back or whatever the fuck he said.
His messaging is confusing because he cannot actually fully communicate, he did imply using chemicals on the body, he did tell people fake medical information, and I will continue to say he suggested putting bleach and chemicals in your body because he absolutely did.
He's a convicted felon, rapist, who defrauded students and fucked a horse on TV.
You: "Hey, he didn't fuck a horse."
The judge literally said that it was rape. Keep deflecting...
I get that you want to cover for the rapist, but the judge literally said what he was convicted of met the legal definition of rape. So, maybe quit defending rapists?