Chemical Agents Warbond
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Galactic War Status
Banner by Noobmasterpro
This all looks cool but I can’t help wonder if they'll ever introduce new elements into the game. Out of the fire, cold, and gas warbonds the cold one got supremely shafted by having no ice weapons (and, ironically, having an incendiary grenade.)
So did the fire one, dropping the fire nerf just before the fire warbond.
And the other ones were barely even worth it. I don't think there have been any weapons from any of the warbonds being better than the base game defaults.
Grenade pistol, sickle, breaker incendiary, dominator, eruptor, cookout, blitzer, punisher plasma... All are very solid weapons and all of them I'd pick over the core warbond weapons 9 times out of 10
I'll give you the grenade pistol hasn't left my side since I got it, just because it's too good to close spawners.
But I had always been using the slugger as primary, it worked great on bots and bugs. Combined with the laser backpack against bugs I rarely ever needed something else except for heavies.
I love the Blitzer (and Arc Thrower before it was nerfed). I also really enjoy the Tesla tower, but it's hard to use effectively without team killing everyone. Still, I'd like to see them do more with lightning. Let me call down a thunderstrike from the heavens and smote the enemies of democracy!