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I don't think authorities make a habit of just releasing evidence to the public in that way. Again, you're not super familiar with this.
The representative filed a complaint. The Trump campaign said publicly there was an altercation. They then had to turn over video evidence of this to authorities. That's really the end of that question. It happened.
The families never requested any permission. The top two points I just made say that alone. The family doesn't even have a right to request permission to SET ASIDE THE LAWS IN PLACE. Again, they have no say in this. Even if they requested "Hey, Trump wants to come and do this thing", the response would have to be "Okay, but only in a private capacity, because no political campaigns are allowed to press here".
Are you listening to yourself? If he just wanted to go out of the goodness of his heart, then fucking do that. That's clearly not why he went though, or else there would have been no reason to turn them away. Walking up with a mob of campaign people and photo/video staff is clearly a fucking problem, so they were turned away, and instead of leaving, assaulted a military representative whose job it was to turn them away based on the law.
Get lost with this noise, for real.
This I know, I was wondering if the Trump campaign had posted the footage. They'd threatened to do so at one point IIRC.
Are you arguing that's this is not what happened?
How many people were in this mob?