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The families have zero say in this. It is not a private cemetery. Read my other comment on this if you need to, but you and your buddy in this thread are so far off base. Go back to law school if you have a degree.
They have zero say. It's federal land, and a cemetery at that. They can't bend or change the laws any more than you can declare an FBI office your new house "becuz I PaY year taXes"
Nope, it wasn't. They were turned away, assaulted a representative, and did it anyway thinking they could get away it.
The cemetery rep said they couldn't be there, the law very much says they can't be there, and then they committed extra crimes on top of that.
How are you thinking no laws were broken?
See my other post. The law says nothing like that. It specifically says if it appears that why you are there is for political purposes or campaigns for such. He drove a fucking TRUMP BUS right up to it.
You don't need to be a legal scholar to look at the background of the dumb fucking pictures his own campaign of idiots and morons released to see the gigantic tour busses parked on that street.
Get lost with this noise. Why are you apologizing and trying to find justifications for this asshole?
Trump didn't JUST lay a wreath. See my other statement. If he showed up out of the goodness of his own heart (which he does not have), he could have done so and been gone. No questions.
What fucking reality are you living in? Nobody stopped him for laying a wreath. They stopped him and his ENTOURAGE FROM MAKING THIS POLITICAL AS PART OF A PR STUNT.
Goddamn, y'all gullible.
Keep saying it all you want like a petulant child. Doesn't fix what actually happened. He will, and should, prosecuted for it like all the other bullshit he's done.
How did that " Biden didn't win. Trump is still President"
Work out for you? Greatamenst, or goodest?
Sure he can. He's still in the middle of many criminal prosecution cases right now 🤣