A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
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Gosh it doesn't? But what if there were a series of news articles with headlines like "American rapes nun" or U.S. citizen stomps puppies to death" or "American-born killer shoots girlscout, steals cookies" and this goes on for years, and people post these headlines in political discussion forums even tho individually they don't seem to be about political issues?
Then you would think there was an attempt to plant the idea that Americans are mostly lawless violent criminals, wouldn't you?
For some reason "immigrant assaults woman" is 'conservative' news, but "alabama pastor molests 10 kids" doesn't garner a mention. I wonder what that means, could it be that it's an anti-immigrant agenda and nothing to do with protecting innocent people?
The user you replied to is trying to draw a false equivalency by posting a different article. He must be upset that someone who was previously deported, and thereby committing a federal felony by returning, had his criminal history mentioned in a crime report.
A swing and a miss. No, that's not why I'm upset.