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So probably not American then, because I think your average American would not confuse the declaration of Independence with the constitution. Fun fact: the constitution was written 11 years later.
That part of the declaration of Independence we are talking about says:
For the non-Americans like JimБолауски and the homeschooled kids let's break down the meaning:
This is saying we believe these things are true, not because someone tells us but becauae we observe these as facts of reality
This is a rejection of the idea of "divine right," a rejection of the idea that some people are just naturally better than others.
This is the part where JimБолауски is confused, so let's make sense of it: "endowed by their Creator" means given by God. Or, if you are an atheist, the more plain meaning is that this is an aspect of being born human in this world.
"Unalienable" means can not be given or taken away. So "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" means that humans have human rights just for being human, and these rights aren't granted nor taken away by earthly powers. These rights don't depend on your credit score or bank account, and these rights don't dissolve just because a rich person in fancy clothes says they ought. These rights don't accrue from paying taxes or generating profit for corporate overlords. These rights are not commodities and can neither be bought nor sold in the marketplace. These rights apply to humans of all nations, not just citizens of a certain nation. The authors could have specified, but did not. So that means everybody, including immigrants.
Now for those following along at home, I want you to recognise the thinking and the mindset of modern capitalist fascism:
When that document was written it was understood that such rights don't apply to slaves, nor savages nor women. This is the america that fascists think is "great" and want to return to.
The modern capitalist fascist doesn't believe that all men were created equal, they think some men are naturally better than others, and ought to be the leader. Evangelicals have said that Trump was sent or chosen by God -the absolute opposite of what the founding fathers of our nation said.
For the fascist there can be no equality or egalitarianism, only the hierarchy of the authoritarian and subordinates. This inequality extends to the enemy of fascism: the hated "other". The nonwhite people, the gay and trans people, the immigrants. They are at once weak subhuman creatures and also powerful and crafty enemies that can destroy the nation if left unchecked. For the fascist, immigrants and trans people don't deserve human rights.
The declaration of Independence says that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men. For the fascist it is the opposite: governments are instituted to grant and deny these rights. Rights are only granted to those who constantly perform rituals of allegiance and loyalty, and more importantly generate profit. For the capitalism fascist, the more positive revenue you can generate, the more rights you have to do whatever you want.
Anyway I'm tired of this but I feel like I have explained why the idea of human rights tied to being profitable is at odds with the most fundamental American principles of rights and the purpose of government. Why fascism is backwards and un-American, and why anyone who loves our country should reject such unpatriotic, insurrectionist, and destructive notions.
Did you have a stroke?
Just sharing my thoughts, man.
They're quite incoherent, do you smell burning toast.
You didn't understand my well-reasoned and comprehensive explanation of why you're wrong? I think the problem may be your poor reading comprehension.
Well reasoned you thought life liberty and pursuit of happiness was in the constitution.
@wintermute_oregon @jimbolauski Most conservatives haven't read it either, myself included. Don't be snobbish.
If you haven't read it don't comment about what is and is not in it.
@jimbolauski Did you think I was? 🤭
It's not snobbish to call people out when they are speaking from ignorance.
I'm betting casey is a product of modern public schools in a liberal state. Why teach people how our country works when they can indoctrinate them about institutional racism instead.
@wintermute_oregon I was homeschooled, and read programming books instead. 🤷🏾♂️
If most people haven't read something, criticizing them for not reading that thing is snobbish. I don't care if it's a document that defines the laws of our country.
@wintermute_oregon Now that's a completely different statement altogether.