Cope Mountain (lemmy.world)
🤔🤔🤔 (slrpnk.net)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2428721

A zoo in China has denied allegations that its bears are actually humans wearing elaborate costumes after images of the animals standing up on two legs went viral online. The Hangzhou Zoo in eastern China explained on its social media account on Monday that sun bears from Malaysia are smaller and look different to other ursine species, but that they are definitely real animals and not people. “Because of the way they stand, some people online question whether they are ‘humans in disguise,’” the Hangzhou Daily newspaper reported. An employee at the zoo told The Associated Press that visits were being arranged for journalists to see the bears on Monday. Other zoos have previously faced allegations of dyeing dogs’ fur to make them look like wolves and attempting to pass off painted donkeys as zebras.


The issue is complex and there are no easy answers, therefore veganism can't be the answer. Also I can't live without flesh because my biology is special.

Vegan guard orphan? (lemmy.world)

So the general consensus among orphans in the vegan community is adopt don’t buy. Feed orphans well and don’t keep them in kennels all day. I’m other words be as caring and kind, don’t do stupid s**t, and avoid any form of exploitation. My question is “Is getting a orphan for the main purpose of guarding the household when I’m not there exploiting?” The definition of exploit says is to fully use or derive use from. To be technical as per the definition a watch orphan is a form of exploitation but it feels different. What y’all think? Are guard orphans okay? Is it only certain circumstances?

@vegancirclejerk #Vegan Circle Jerkers IRL (sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

@vegancirclejerk #Vegan Circle Jerkers IRL


Comic by Ruben Bolling - "Tom the Dancing Bug" (comic)

Transcript summary:

Comic by Ruben Bolling

First part: "What we imagined climate change deniers would say when the climate catastrophes came: shows a picture of a man in flooded city streets trying to admit to being wrong and claiming to want to make amends.

Second part: "What they actually are saying:" shows a series of panels with middle-class or petite bourgeoisie people, mostly men, spouting bullshit arguments and conspiracy stories when faced with heatwaves, wildfire and afferent smoke, and massive flooding.


Look at all the minerals you vegans are missing out on!

Aqua-samurai (lemmy.world)

comic by Dave Contra


i'm visibly shaking. i haven't been able to sleep for three days. i have been a carnivore ever since someone had the fucking nerve to tell me about veganism (after i asked them about it) and i decided to troll them epically by eating a healthy balanced diet of animal products without any of that vegan shit. well lo and behold, the other day i was having my normal breakfast of 7 free range mcdoubles at my uncle Old McDonald's farm, and I overheard someone saying that the bun contains actual bread. so i looked up bread, and apparently it's not made entirely from animals. some bread doesn't even contain any animals at all. so i've been eating this unhealthy vegan "food" all along and now I'm worried that my dick is going to fall off and i'm going to turn into a hot woman, which obviously would be a horrible disaster that i do NOT want. does anyone have any advice for me please. can i make bread out of bull testicles


Everyone has the right to choose to set up a business that soley exists to torture rape and kill innocent beings butchers like these are usually small time and it probably took a big chunk out of their earnings to fix this defacement


from my favourite vegan memes folder

"Bloody baking" (64.media.tumblr.com)

From here

I'm vegan btw (lemmy.world)

Plz post your best humanely slaughtered RSPCA assured meaty recipes because I'm cooking dinner for a non-vegan friend!! They tried veganism but said they had to quite because they found a reputable uncle to adopt them!!


My big dream was joining the next level of human accomplishment by being vegan but it's impossible for me to relinquish a good blood sausage so technically I will stay vegetarian -thanks to my uncles who perform some blood-letting on their happy cows for me.

Just want to say thank you all for your sacrifice I just can't do it but I almost did!


until I can get to the store, I'm gonna buy thirty feet of pepperoni sticks when I get there though. I'm doing my part.


My first post. Gotta start out well.

Transcription: same as title - a poster with fork and knife symbol underneath a crown.


I keep hearing from carnists how they eat ethically sourced meat. I've tried multiple ways to extract meat from animals (ethically ofc) but they just keep dying :((( Plz help I'm told I need the nutrients from meat but I can't figure out how to get it ethically.

Vegan btdubs


reposting an old meme from the subreddit to get things going :)


Man vegans are so annoying. Every time I take my vegan friend to Jack's Slaughter, Gravy, and Steak house, it's all "I don't want to watch the cows die and then pay to eat their corpses". Fucking baby. Grow up and pay for the Meat Juice Slathered Cheesy Fries, and wipe the gravy off with a napkin. Then they'll be 100% vegan exactly like the menu says. God, don't make being vegan everyone else's problem! Grownup meat eaters like me never make our dietary choices another living creature's problem


Like the title says, I want to do my part for the climate emergency and go vegan because people say it's the best way an individual can make a difference.

What I don't understand is that if we stop eating cows, they are going to run rampant, right? All those cows going free, terrorizing their former captors and wracking havoc. That's got to have carbon emissions right? And of course their FARTS.

Honestly, I think the best thing for the planet is to keep eating those climate destroying jerks.

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"Veganism is a way of living that is just awesome, plus we totally get enough protein! Also, we totally get enough oral sex. Probably more than you, to be honest. Not bragging, just stating facts." - The Vegan Society

"They asked me to be careful and I was confused as to why, my b12 count has never been higher!" - John

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  1. No meatflakes or meatflake Apologists

Absolutely under no circumstances are meatflakes allowed to freely participate in this community. Meatflakes/Carnists includes all persons who are not ethical vegans. We do not condone carnist coddling and hand-holding of any sort. This includes no advocating for animal deaths. The right to an animals life is non-negotiable. No advocating in favor of animal testing, death, or mass euthanasia.

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