submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by stabby_cicada@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

Crazy how people will refuse to drink from plastic water bottles from fear of BPAs and microplastics but will happily eat the dead flesh of an animal that gorged on plastics for years. Our risk analysis is as broken as our morality.

submitted 10 months ago by pizzaiolo@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net
submitted 10 months ago by pizzaiolo@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by activistPnk@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

The off-grid survivalist dude in invidious video ID “YOXkcz8j3Gc” says milk & potatoes are “nutritionally complete”, which if I understand correctly means that pairing covers the 9 essential amino acids. That’s cool.. but not vegan.

A pescetarian in my family was hospitalized for malnutrition. Not sure what he did wrong or what he was short on, but he doesn’t strike me as someone who would be overly negligent. IMO, as a non-vegan outsider looking in, a vegan diet is easy to screw up & requires some research to stay safe. You can’t just live on rabbit food. So I wonder if the title-linked article has the answers. In short, it claims these pairings are nutritionally complete:

  1. rice & beans
  2. tofu & veg (questionable¹?)
  3. chickpeas & wheat
  4. peanut butter & whole wheat toast²
  5. pinto beans³ & corn
  6. whole wheat pasta & peas
  7. lentils & rice ←I’m bummed it’s not lentils & couscous, which I often use in lentil salad
  8. oatmeal & pumpkin seeds

Note that all links referenced in this post are Cloudflare-free and openly accessible to all. Also no big cookie popups or similar garbage.

footnotes (with questions!):

  1. I find tofu & vegetables suspicious. There are countless vegetables, so this is quite vague. How can we expect any given veg to have whatever tofu is missing? This makes me somewhat skeptical of the whole article.

  2. Why toast? Why not bread?

  3. Or skip the pinto beans and just make sure your corn is infected with a purple fungus containing lysine, assuming #lysine is the reason pinto beans are paired with corn.

submitted 10 months ago by pizzaiolo@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

Freedom of Information Act documents reveal that the U.S. Department of Agriculture warned the egg industry that saying eggs are nutritious or safe may violate rules against false and misleading advertising.

submitted 10 months ago by pizzaiolo@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net
submitted 10 months ago by cerement@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

“In this Our Changing Climate video essay, I look at the validity of vegan and plant-based diets as a solution to climate change. I dive into the human and planetary toll of the meat industry, looking at the massive emissions toll of beef production as well as the exploitative conditions in meat processing plants. Ultimately, I consider whether veganism is an effective tool to dismantling the meat industry and mitigating climate change.”

approaching the question from the economic/climate side with two big provisos

  • while veganism is good for your personal carbon footprint, it is a consumer level change whereas we need to drastically change the production side of things
  • it cannot be used as the moral justification to dictate imperialist policy to the rest of the world
submitted 10 months ago by pizzaiolo@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net
submitted 10 months ago by pizzaiolo@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net
submitted 11 months ago by thisfro@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

I for my self love Chana Masala, could eat it every day!


  • Onions
  • Chickpeas
  • (Canned) Tomatoes
  • Vegan Yoghurt
  • Garam Masala

Served with basmati rice

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by thisfro@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/1119732

In Germany, animal farms are declining. Around -30% since 1990 for Swines and -36% for dairy cows since 2013.

Minus 11% ist in einem Jahr schon beachtlich. Ich denke da kommt die nächsten Jahre noch automatisch einiges dazu, so wie die Preise für vegane Alternativen fallen

submitted 11 months ago by itchy_lizard@feddit.it to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

The words of Greta Thunberg this week


Activists are being systemically targeted with repression and are paying the price for defending life and the right to protest.

We are seeing now extremely worrying developments where activists all over the world are experiencing increased repressions just for fighting for our present and our future.

There is extreme hypocrisy when it comes to this. All over the world we're experiencing this. Not the least, for example, here in France. Just the other day - that activists are being systemically targeted with repression and are paying the price for defending life and the right to protest.

We're still speeding in the wrong direction

We are now at an extremely critical point. The emissions of greenhouse gasses are at an all-time-high, and the concentration of Co2 in the atmosphere hasn't been this high in the entire history of humanity.

And we're still speeding in the wrong direction. The emissions are on the rise, and science has been very clear on this. And the people living on the front-lines of the climate emergency have been sounding the alarm for a long time

submitted 11 months ago by Goldfishlaser@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

It's important to oppose the EATS (Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression) act.

From an email I received about this from Animal Equality:

"Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the strongest farm animal protection law in the country, California’s Proposition 12, which bans the sale of products that come from animals trapped in unthinkably small crates. Also in recent years, we've banned the sale of eggs from caged hens in nine states.

These laws have impacted the lives of millions upon millions of animals across the country. But now, agricultural industry groups are trying to undo our progress by introducing legislation in the U.S. Congress that would undo years of hard work and send millions of farmed animals back into tiny cages. We can't let this happen.

The "Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act" is been designed to wipe out all the state laws we've worked so hard to pass. If successful, the EATS Act could also destroy hundreds of additional state laws protecting animals, such as statutes safeguarding against the abuse of dogs in puppy mills, the killing of animals for the wildlife trade, and painful experiments inflicted on animals for cosmetic testing.

The EATS Act could even strike down state laws on a vast range of other concerns, including pesticide use, protection against lead poisoning, toxic chemicals in baby food containers, and child labor. Needless to say, this legislation is extremely dangerous!"

submitted 11 months ago by bonkerfield@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

But then I remember I didn't take their children away, hook them up to a machine to extract food from them, or kill them. And that makes me feel like making fun of carnists is not so bad.

submitted 11 months ago by itchy_lizard@feddit.it to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg told the Bonn COP28 preparatory conference that humanity needed to act on the climate crisis now or face ‘the death sentence.’


submitted 11 months ago by itchy_lizard@feddit.it to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

Hours before dawn on Tuesday, eight animal liberation activists entered the Petaluma Poultry slaughterhouse facility in Sonoma County, California, disguised as workers, with the aim of rescuing as many chickens as possible.

Meanwhile, approximately 175 protesters gathered outside the property, where up to 49,000 chickens are killed every day, and where animal rights activists allege animal abuses and risks to public health are rampant. Some of the demonstrators joined those who had entered the property to assist in the planned “open rescue” action: a tactic by which activists publicly remove ailing animals from factory farms and bring them to animal sanctuaries, while highlighting the harms of the meat and animal products industry.

By 3 a.m. PT, as partly captured in a video shared exclusively with The Intercept, activists had removed 11 chickens from trucks that had transported thousands of chickens onto the slaughterhouse property, packed together as tightly as physically possible. Seven more birds were rescued soon after from a truck on its way to the facility.

I'm in Tuesday’s rescue and demonstration, organized by activists affiliated with animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, coincided with the release of a report from the group Tuesday morning. Shared with The Intercept and disseminated to regulatory agencies, the report alleges that Petaluma Poultry, a subsidiary of agribusiness giant Perdue Farms, is routinely violating animal cruelty laws and exposing the public to major health risks — including the possibility of future zoonotic disease pandemics — through brutal and negligent treatment of birds marketed as “free range” and “organic.”

The new report is based on undercover investigations at the slaughterhouse and a half dozen of Petaluma’s supplier farms, including whistleblower reports, firsthand observations, and hidden camera footage, alongside findings from veterinary medicine experts and infectious disease specialists who carried out fecal tests and examined animals — some sick, some already dead — brought to them from Petaluma facilities by DxE activists. (Petaluma Poultry and Perdue Farms did not immediately respond to The Intercept’s requests for comment on Tuesday morning’s report release and rescue.)

The very same animals that are cheerily packaged and sold in grocery stores nationwide under the personalizing brand names “Rocky” and “Rosie” — “Rosie” was the first chicken line in the United States to carry a certified organic label — are processed in a slaughterhouse where undercover investigator Raven Deerbrook said she found animals that were tortured and sick and where workers labored in dangerous conditions.

A dead chicken lies on a dirt covered shelf in 2023.

Photo: Courtesy of Direct Action Everywhere (DxE)

Deerbrook’s account and materials formed the basis of parts of the new DxE report, which the group sent to local, state, and federal authorities to request official investigations. DxE sent its report to USDA Farm Service Agency California Executive Director Blong Xiong; California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Rob Bonta; Sonoma County Animal Services, District Attorney Carla Rodriguez, Sheriff Eddie Engram, and Administrator Christina Rivera; and a host of other officials and agencies from nearby counties.

“Hundreds are discovered to be so diseased that they are condemned after being slaughtered.”

“I am seeing sick birds being crowded onto trucks by the thousands. Dozens are dying on the way to the slaughterhouse,” Deerbrook, who entered the slaughterhouse undetected in a worker’s uniform, photographed internal documents, and set up hidden cameras, alleged over Signal message. “Hundreds are discovered to be so diseased that they are condemned after being slaughtered.”

Deerbrook, who worked for months gathering materials for the DxE report, said that she saw chickens injured while being hung on the slaughter line; she photographed company reports about bruised birds, which is a sign of abuse; she saw evidence of birds missing the “stun bath”: an electrical water bath in which birds’ heads are dipped to stun them unconscious before slaughter. She added that she saw “birds trying to escape and being cut-into while they were conscious, and I see evidence of them being boiled alive.” She also charged that she saw workers performing “one of the most dangerous tasks (live hanging) in pitch darkness, and many are suffering with pain and injuries.”

None of the local, state, and federal officials and agencies that received the report responded immediately to The Intercept’s request for comment.

Over 1,000 animals were “condemned” — disqualified from the food supply — on a single day in April 2023 after being slaughtered, according to documents from the slaughterhouse obtained by Deerbrook over a three-month period. Hundreds of them were condemned due to septicaemia, a form of bacterial blood poisoning, and toxemia. The investigation included lab reports from veterinarians that found dangerous pathogens in several birds. The slaughterhouse was also found to have unusually high rates of salmonella and campylobacter, two bacteria that cause widespread illnesses in humans, according to a local press report citing government data.

While Covid-19 was not transmitted to humans through factory farming, the deadliest pandemic in U.S. history should have prompted a reckoning over how we think about zoonotic disease spread and the undeniable future pandemic risks of intensive animal produce industry. Like so many ostensible pandemic reckonings, the dangerously concentrated — not to mention torturous — mass production of meat and animal products continues unfettered. Related Amid Bird Flu Outbreak, Meat Producers Seek “Ventilation Shutdown” for Mass Chicken Killing

Introduction (slrpnk.net)
submitted 11 months ago by thisfro@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

Hi all, I created this community to discuss topics about/related to veganism (be it as a lifestyle, ethical framework or diet).

If you would like to help moderate, let me know!

Be kind to each other and to all living beings!

submitted 11 months ago by Goldfishlaser@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

Barnivore is a directory where you can easily search for vegan wine, beer, liquor and more.

From the site: "Brewmasters, winemakers, and distillers may include animal ingredients in their products directly, or they might use them in the processing and filtration.

When making the product, dairy, honey, and other things are ingredients in the final recipe.

When filtering the drinks prior to bottling, companies can use things like isinglass (from fish bladder,) gelatin, egg whites, and sea shells, among other things. These products grab onto the impurities and make it easier to catch them in the filters, though there are many animal-free alternatives in use."

Always remember that if you drink, drink responsibly 🍻

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Goldfishlaser@slrpnk.net to c/vegan@slrpnk.net

In this video, Mic the Vegan tells us about a novel technology creating a fat that is melty, lardy, and structurally similar to animal fat.



Sharing this video because Jake Tran's video contained many common objections that people raise against using plant milks. Lifting Vegan Logic breaks down the reasons why these objections are fallacious.

Lifting Vegan Logic is a great channel that uses sarcasm and parody to discuss vegan ideas.


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/353551

Hi everyone!

I initially created this document because I couldn't find anything similar. Feel free to use it if you find it helpful but also remember I'm not a nutritionist or doctor but if there are any inaccuracies I will change them.


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