submitted 9 months ago by WhoRoger@lemmy.world to c/slide@feddit.uk

We haven't heard anything in a while...

submitted 9 months ago by makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml to c/slide@feddit.uk

If I paste https://github.com/bqv/slide/ it says no releases found

submitted 11 months ago by wason@lemmy.world to c/slide@feddit.uk

Title. Can you please add support for 2FA? Thanks!

submitted 11 months ago by theory@feddit.uk to c/slide@feddit.uk

In case any of you are itching to know where I am with this, I'm still working on it; last few days I upgraded a few of the libraries to simplify the build process, and laid the groundwork for a modern app database so I can hook up the offline mode stuff, and some of the other pages more dependent on local data. I know its not very visible stuff though, so I've been holding off tagging a new version until I add at least one new feature. I could probably use some testing soon so likely I'll implement either posting, commenting, or the Go to Subreddit box for browsing to a specific community, unless there's something you want more?


It has been a long time since I used Slide for Reddit, am I misremembering that there used to be a feature where you could swipe on posts and comments to up- and downvote them? Thunder, another android lemmy client, has that, I think Infinity for Reddit did too. Any plans to put that into Slide for Lemmy maybe?

submitted 11 months ago by WhoRoger@lemmy.world to c/slide@feddit.uk

Heh. I know it doesn't mean much, but I was using Slide until the end and made a backup before uninstalling, so it's still nice. Keep it up!

Btw please don't change the design. I can't stand those trends Google is showing down our throats.

submitted 11 months ago by florge@lemmy.world to c/slide@feddit.uk
submitted 11 months ago by theory@feddit.uk to c/slide@feddit.uk

Detail in the link. Crash reporting should make this a lot easier now though!

I recommend you use Obtainium to install this and other github-based projects, if you aren't already https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium

Also, I realise the apks are getting bigger, I'll fix that soon, there's libraries we don't need...

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by semperverus@lemmy.world to c/slide@feddit.uk

If you would like to contribute, please consider making a fork of the repo and updating the language strings for your native language. Take care not to change the actual variable names (i.e. leave the word "reddit" and "subreddit" in the variable tags, but change the actual string values).

The languages are available in this folder here, in the various values-... folders:


If you'd like to see my commit as an example of what I did to base yours off of, you can see it here:


submitted 11 months ago by theory@feddit.uk to c/slide@feddit.uk

Just in time for the reddit apps to all die :) Notes are there, let me know how things go.

submitted 11 months ago by haroldstork@lemm.ee to c/slide@feddit.uk

I used Slide for Reddit as my primary client, so I’m really glad I get to return to it :)

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by theory@feddit.uk to c/slide@feddit.uk

I have a version that can log in (optionally), show posts of all media types, view comments and if youve voted, and today i'm going to add the ability to vote. So far, you cannot post or comment, but those are my next priority. You also cannot currently use any mode except "comment pane" view type, but that would be my priority after

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by theory@feddit.uk to c/slide@feddit.uk

I heartily reccomend LiftOff, until I can get Slide into a useable state :)

They have sure as hell raised the bar for what classes as "useable", anyway

Slide for Lemmy

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