submitted 2 weeks ago by aleces@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

Chainalysis uses the fee structure to analyze monero transactions. I thought using the fees hardcoded into monero-gui should be fine, but x0.2 does not show up at all, x200 is less used than x100 (even though not available in the gui, but x200 is).

I guess these fee multipliers are used by other wallets a lot.

Is x1 the safest to use? Is the gitter in between caused by "automatic" transaction priority? Would it increase privacy to sync fee structures between different clients?

3TOFU: Verifying Unsigned Releases (tech.michaelaltfield.net)

3TOFU: Verifying Unsigned Releases

By Michael Altfield
License: CC BY-SA 4.0

This article introduces the concept of "3TOFU" -- a harm-reduction process when downloading software that cannot be verified cryptographically.

Verifying Unsigned Releases with 3TOFU
Verifying Unsigned Releases with 3TOFU

⚠ NOTE: This article is about harm reduction.

It is dangerous to download and run binaries (or code) whose authenticity you cannot verify (using a cryptographic signature from a key stored offline). However, sometimes we cannot avoid it. If you're going to proceed with running untrusted code, then following the steps outlined in this guide may reduce your risk.


TOFU stands for Trust On First Use. It's a (often abused) concept of downloading a person or org's signing key and just blindly trusting it (instead of verifying it).


3TOFU is a process where a user downloads something three times at three different locations. If-and-only-if all three downloads are identical, then you trust it.

Why 3TOFU?

During the Crypto Wars of the 1990s, it was illegal to export cryptography from the United States. In 1996, after intense public pressure and legal challenges, the government officially permitted export with the 56-bit DES cipher -- which was a known-vulnerable cipher.

Photo of Paul Kocher holding a very large circuit board
The EFF's Deep Crack proved DES to be insecure and pushed a switch to 3DES.

But there was a simple way to use insecure DES to make secure messages: just use it three times.

3DES (aka "Triple DES") is the process encrypting a message using the insecure symmetric block cipher (DES) three times on each block, to produce an actually secure message (from known attacks at the time).

3TOFU (aka "Triple TOFU") is the process of downloading a payload using the insecure method (TOFU) three times, to obtain the payload that's magnitudes less likely to be maliciously altered.

3TOFU Process

To best mitigate targeted attacks, 3TOFU should be done:

  1. On three distinct days
  2. On three distinct machines (or VMs)
  3. Exiting from three distinct countries
  4. Exiting using three distinct networks

For example, I'll usually execute

  • TOFU #1/3 in TAILS (via Tor)
  • TOFU #2/3 in a Debian VM (via VPN)
  • TOFU #3/3 on my daily laptop (via ISP)

The possibility of an attacker maliciously modifying something you download over your ISP's network are quite high, depending on which country you live-in.

The possibility of an attacker maliciously modifying something you download onto a VM with a freshly installed OS over an encrypted VPN connection (routed internationally and exiting from another country) is much less likely, but still possible -- especially for a well-funded adversary.

The possibility of an attacker maliciously modifying something you download onto a VM running a hardened OS (like Whonix or TAILS) using a hardened browser (like Tor Browser) over an anonymizing network (like Tor) is quite unlikely.

The possibility for someone to execute a network attack on all three downloads is very near-zero -- especially if the downloads were spread-out over days or weeks.

3TOFU bash Script

I provide the following bash script as an example snippet that I run for each of the 3TOFUs.


WGET="/usr/bin/wget --retry-on-host-error --retry-connrefused"

# in tails, we must torify
if [[ "`whoami`" == "amnesia" ]] ; then
	CURL="/usr/bin/torify ${CURL}"
	WGET="/usr/bin/torify ${WGET}"
	PYTHON="/usr/bin/torify ${PYTHON}"

tmpDir=`mktemp -d`
pushd "${tmpDir}"

# first get some info about our internet connection
${CURL} -s https://ifconfig.co/country | head -n1
${CURL} -s https://check.torproject.org | grep Congratulations | head -n1

# and today's date
date -u +"%Y-%m-%d"

# get the file
for file in ${REMOTE_FILES}; do
	wget ${file}

# checksum
date -u +"%Y-%m-%d"
sha256sum *

# gpg fingerprint
gpg --with-fingerprint  --with-subkey-fingerprint --keyid-format 0xlong *

Here's one example execution of the above script (on a debian DispVM, executed with a VPN).

/tmp/tmp.xT9HCeTY0y ~
--2024-05-04 14:58:54--  https://tails.net/tails-signing.key
Resolving tails.net (tails.net)...
Connecting to tails.net (tails.net)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1387192 (1.3M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘tails-signing.key’

tails-signing.key   100%[===================>]   1.32M  1.26MB/s    in 1.1s    

2024-05-04 14:58:56 (1.26 MB/s) - ‘tails-signing.key’ saved [1387192/1387192]

8c641252767dc8815d3453e540142ea143498f8fbd76850066dc134445b3e532  tails-signing.key
gpg: WARNING: no command supplied.  Trying to guess what you mean ...
pub   rsa4096/0xDBB802B258ACD84F 2015-01-18 [C] [expires: 2025-01-25]
      Key fingerprint = A490 D0F4 D311 A415 3E2B  B7CA DBB8 02B2 58AC D84F
uid                             Tails developers (offline long-term identity key) <tails@boum.org>
uid                             Tails developers <tails@boum.org>
sub   rsa4096/0x3C83DCB52F699C56 2015-01-18 [S] [expired: 2018-01-11]
sub   rsa4096/0x98FEC6BC752A3DB6 2015-01-18 [S] [expired: 2018-01-11]
sub   rsa4096/0xAA9E014656987A65 2015-01-18 [S] [revoked: 2015-10-29]
sub   rsa4096/0xAF292B44A0EDAA41 2016-08-30 [S] [expired: 2018-01-11]
sub   rsa4096/0xD21DAD38AF281C0B 2017-08-28 [S] [expires: 2025-01-25]
sub   rsa4096/0x3020A7A9C2B72733 2017-08-28 [S] [revoked: 2020-05-29]
sub   ed25519/0x90B2B4BD7AED235F 2017-08-28 [S] [expires: 2025-01-25]
sub   rsa4096/0xA8B0F4E45B1B50E2 2018-08-30 [S] [revoked: 2021-10-14]
sub   rsa4096/0x7BFBD2B902EE13D0 2021-10-14 [S] [expires: 2025-01-25]
sub   rsa4096/0xE5DBA2E186D5BAFC 2023-10-03 [S] [expires: 2025-01-25]

The TOFU output above shows that the release signing key from the TAILS project is a 4096-bit RSA key with a full fingerprint of "A490 D0F4 D311 A415 3E2B B7CA DBB8 02B2 58AC D84F". The key file itself has a sha256 hash of "8c641252767dc8815d3453e540142ea143498f8fbd76850066dc134445b3e532".

When doing a 3TOFU, save the output of each execution. After collecting output from all 3 executions (intentionally spread-out over 3 days or more), diff the output.

If the output of all three TOFUs match, then the confidence of the file's authenticity is very high.

Why do 3TOFU?

Unfortunately, many developers think that hosting their releases on a server with https is sufficient to protect their users from obtaining a maliciously-modified release. But https won't protect you if:

  1. Your DNS or publishing infrastructure is compromised (it happens), or
  2. An attacker has just one (subordinate) CA in the user's PKI root store (it happens)

Generally speaking, publishing infrastructure compromises are detected and resolved within days and MITM attacks using compromised CAs are targeted attacks (to avoid detection). Therefore, a 3TOFU verification should thwart these types of attacks.

⚠ Note on hashes: Unfortunately, many well-meaning developers erroneously think that cryptographic hashes provide authenticity, but cryptographic hashes do not provide authenticity -- they provide integrity.

Integrity checks are useful to detect corrupted data on-download; it does not protect you from maliciously altered data unless those hashes are cryptographically signed with a key whose private key isn't stored on the publishing infrastructure.


There are some things you can do to further improve the confidence of the authenticity of a file you download from the internet.

Distinct Domains

If possible, download your payload from as many distinct domains as possible.

An adversary may successfully compromise the publishing infrastructure of a software project, but it's far less likely for them to compromise the project website (eg 'tails.net') and their forge (eg 'github.com') and their mastodon instance (eg 'mastodon.social').


TAILS is by far the best OS to use for security-critical situations.

If you are a high-risk target (investigative journalist, activist, or political dissident) then you should definitely use TAILS for one of your TOFUs.

Signature Verification

It's always better to verify the authenticity of a file using cryptographic signatures than with 3TOFU.

Unfortunately, some companies like Microsoft don't sign their releases, so the only option to verify the authenticity of something like a Windows .iso is with 3TOFU.

Still, whenever you encounter some software that is not signed using an offline key, please do us all a favor and create a bug report asking the developer to sign their releases with PGP (or minisign or signify or something).


3TOFU is easy because Tor is free and most people have access to a VPN (corporate or commercial or an ssh socks proxy).

But, if you'd like, you could also add i2p or some other proxy network into the mix (and do 4TOFU).

submitted 2 months ago by maltfield@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

After almost 2 years, Privacy Guides has added a new Hardware Recommendations section to their website.

Thanks to Daniel Nathan Gray and others for implementing this new hardware guide


Very insightful interview from Whitney Webb (last part of the show). We are already starting to see the same pattern that we’ve seen with Trump’s first term where Trump surrounds himself with deep state figures to advance the surveillance state agenda. At which point liberty-minded Trump supporters will start questioning the role played by Trump?


submitted 2 months ago by SniperOwl@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

Hey everyone,

Von der Leyen just secured a second term as EC President, and I'm beyond frustrated. Let's break this down:

  1. Privacy nightmare:
  • Pushing for Chat Control: Goodbye, digital privacy! This move threatens to undermine end-to- end encryption, making our private conversations vulnerable.

  • eID System: This essentially paves the way for mass surveillance, linking our digital identity to nearly every online activity.

  • Data Retention Revival: Trying to bring back data retention ignores the EU Court of Justice's stance on its incompatibility with fundamental rights.

  • Europol's Mass Data Collection: Europol gets a free pass to collect massive amounts of data without sufficient oversight. This is a dangerous precedent.

  • AI Act and Biometric Surveillance: Supporting biometric mass surveillance within the framework of AI regulation is a direct path to an Orwellian society.

  1. Corruption allegations:
  • Shady Pfizer Vaccine Deal: A €35 billion deal with Pfizer, shrouded in secrecy. Why are we not demanding transparency here?

  • Refusing to Disclose Texts with Pfizer CEO: Transparency shouldn't be optional, especially in public health matters.

  • EU Courts vs. Von der Leyen: EU courts have called her out for breaking the law. Why is this not a bigger deal?

  • Piepergate: The controversy surrounding the EU Envoy is troubling and raises questions about integrity and accountability.

We deserve a leader who champions our rights as non-negotiable and upholds transparency as a fundamental duty, not one who treats our freedoms as expendable and accountability as an inconvenience.

What are your thoughts on this?

What will another five years of Von der Leyen bring us?



European Digital Identity

Is eID Building Trust or Invading Privacy?

Heise Article about data retention (German)

Europol's Data Retention Critique

EDRi on the AI Act

Von der Leyen Rejects Criticism on Biometric Surveillance


PfizerGate Vaccine Scandal

EU's Top Court Rules Against the Commission

Politico on PfizerGate

Patrick Breyer on Digital Age Misunderstandings

Corporate Europe on Piepergate


We're happy to announce that BusKill is presenting at DEF CON 32.

What: Open Hardware Design for BusKill Cord
When: 2024-08-10 12:00 - 13:45
Where: W303 – Third Floor – LVCC West Hall

BusKill goes to DEF CON 32 (Engage)
BusKill is presenting at DEF CON 32

via @Goldfishlaser@lemmy.ml

What is BusKill?

BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)
Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info youtube.com/v/qPwyoD_cQR4

If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

What is DEF CON?

DEF CON is a yearly hacker conference in Las Vegas, USA.

DEF CON Documentary
Watch the DEF CON Documentary for more info youtube.com/watch?v=3ctQOmjQyYg

What is BusKill presenting at DEF CON?

I (goldfishlaser) will be presenting Open Hardware Design for BusKill Cord in a Demo Lab at DEF CON 32.

What: Open Hardware Design for BusKill Cord
When: Sat Aug 10 12PM – 1:45PM
Where: W303 – Third Floor – LVCC West Hall

Who: Melanie Allen (goldfishlaser) More info

Talk Description

BusKill is a Dead Man Switch triggered when a magnetic breakaway is tripped, severing a USB connection. I’ve written OpenSCAD code that creates a 3D printable file for plastic parts needed to create the magnetic breakaway. Should anyone need to adjust this design for variations of components, the code is parameterized allowing for easy customization. To assemble a BusKill Dead Man Switch cord you will need:

  1. a usb-a extension cord,
  2. a usb hard drive capable of being attached to a carabiner,
  3. a carabiner,
  4. the plastic pieces in this file,
  5. a usb female port,
  6. a usb male,
  7. 4 magnets,
  8. 4 pogo pins,
  9. 4 pogo receptors,
  10. wire,
  11. 8 screws,
  12. and BusKill software.
Image of the Golden BusKill decoupler with the case off
Golden DIY BusKill Print

Full BOM, glossary, and assembly instructions are included in the github repository. The room holds approx. 70 attendees seated. I’ll be delivering 3 x 30 min presentations – with some tailoring to what sort of audience I get each time.

Meet Me @ DEF CON

If you'd like to find me and chat, I'm also planning to attend:

  • ATL Meetup (DCG Atlanta Friday: 16:00 – 19:00 | 236),
  • Hacker Kareoke (Friday and Sat 20:00-21:00 | 222),
  • Goth Night (Friday: 21:00 – 02:00 | 322-324),
  • QueerCon Mixer (Saturday: 16:00-18:00 | Chillout 2),
  • EFF Trivia (Saturday: 17:30-21:30 | 307-308), and
  • Jack Rysider’s Masquerade (Saturday: 21:00 – 01:00 | 325-327)

I hope to print many fun trinkets for my new friends, including some BusKill keychains.

Image shows a collection of 3D-printed bottle openers and whistles that say &quot;BusKill&quot;
Come to my presentation @ DEF CON for some free BusKill swag

By attending DEF CON, I hope to make connections and find collaborators. I hope during the demo labs to find people who will bring fresh ideas to the project to make it more effective.


This post contains a canary message that's cryptographically signed by the official BusKill PGP release key

BusKill Canary #008
The BusKill project just published their Warrant Canary #008

For more information about BusKill canaries, see:

Hash: SHA512

Status: All good
Release: 2024-06-11
Period: 2024-06-01 to 2024-12-31
Expiry: 2025-01-31


The BusKill Team who have digitally signed this file [1]
state the following:

1. The date of issue of this canary is June 11, 2024.

2. The current BusKill Signing Key (2020.07) is

   E0AF FF57 DC00 FBE0 5635  8761 4AE2 1E19 36CE 786A

3. We positively confirm, to the best of our knowledge, that the 
   integrity of our systems are sound: all our infrastructure is in our 
   control, we have not been compromised or suffered a data breach, we 
   have not disclosed any private keys, we have not introduced any 
   backdoors, and we have not been forced to modify our system to allow 
   access or information leakage to a third party in any way.

4. We plan to publish the next of these canary statements before the
   Expiry date listed above. Special note should be taken if no new
   canary is published by that time or if the list of statements changes
   without plausible explanation.

Special announcements


Disclaimers and notes

This canary scheme is not infallible. Although signing the 
declaration makes it very difficult for a third party to produce 
arbitrary declarations, it does not prevent them from using force or 
other means, like blackmail or compromising the signers' laptops, to 
coerce us to produce false declarations.

The news feeds quoted below (Proof of freshness) serves to 
demonstrate that this canary could not have been created prior to the 
date stated. It shows that a series of canaries was not created in 

This declaration is merely a best effort and is provided without any 
guarantee or warranty. It is not legally binding in any way to 
anybody. None of the signers should be ever held legally responsible 
for any of the statements made here.

Proof of freshness

04 Jun 24 14:10:16 UTC

Source: DER SPIEGEL - International (https://www.spiegel.de/international/index.rss)
Fortress Europe: Migrants Abandoned on the Edge of the Sahara
Israel-Gaza-Krieg: Menschenrechtler Aryeh Neier über Schuldfrage und Strafverfolgung (Kopie)

Source: NYT > World News (https://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/World.xml)
Middle East Crisis: Israeli Airstrikes Kill Iranian General in Syria
Live Updates: India’s Election Results Suggest a Setback for Modi

Source: BBC News - World (https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml)
Shock for India's Modi as opposition set to slash majority
Gaza ceasefire plan turns into deadly game of survival

Source: Bitcoin Blockchain (https://blockchain.info/q/latesthash)



To view all past canaries, see:

What is BusKill?

BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)
Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info youtube.com/v/qPwyoD_cQR4

If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

submitted 4 months ago by tusker@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town
submitted 5 months ago by Saki@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

“It is completely absurd to inflict mass surveillance on the general public under the premise of fighting theft.”

It comes at a cost to the privacy and civil liberties of the people of Britain.


I was kind of blown away to what length the developers go to ensure your communication is as safe/secure as possible (while still delivering a very useable app).


This is an interesting article for anyone trying to navigate the banking system and KYC rules that not only affect crypto but also the ACH fiat money transfer system.

submitted 8 months ago by maltfield@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

This post contains a canary message that's cryptographically signed by the official BusKill PGP release key

BusKill Canary #007
The BusKill project just published their Warrant Canary #007

For more information about BusKill canaries, see:

Hash: SHA512

Status: All good
Release: 2024-01-10
Period: 2024-01-01 to 2024-06-01
Expiry: 2024-06-30


The BusKill Team who have digitally signed this file [1]
state the following:

1. The date of issue of this canary is January 10, 2024.

2. The current BusKill Signing Key (2020.07) is

   E0AF FF57 DC00 FBE0 5635  8761 4AE2 1E19 36CE 786A

3. We positively confirm, to the best of our knowledge, that the 
   integrity of our systems are sound: all our infrastructure is in our 
   control, we have not been compromised or suffered a data breach, we 
   have not disclosed any private keys, we have not introduced any 
   backdoors, and we have not been forced to modify our system to allow 
   access or information leakage to a third party in any way.

4. We plan to publish the next of these canary statements before the
   Expiry date listed above. Special note should be taken if no new
   canary is published by that time or if the list of statements changes
   without plausible explanation.

Special announcements


Disclaimers and notes

This canary scheme is not infallible. Although signing the 
declaration makes it very difficult for a third party to produce 
arbitrary declarations, it does not prevent them from using force or 
other means, like blackmail or compromising the signers' laptops, to 
coerce us to produce false declarations.

The news feeds quoted below (Proof of freshness) serves to 
demonstrate that this canary could not have been created prior to the 
date stated. It shows that a series of canaries was not created in 

This declaration is merely a best effort and is provided without any 
guarantee or warranty. It is not legally binding in any way to 
anybody. None of the signers should be ever held legally responsible 
for any of the statements made here.

Proof of freshness

09 Jan 24 17:35:23 UTC

Source: DER SPIEGEL - International (https://www.spiegel.de/international/index.rss)
Germany's Role in the Middle East: Foreign Minister Baerbock Sees an Opening for Mediation
Assaults, Harassment and Beatings: Does the EU Share Blame for Police Violence in Tunisia?

Source: NYT > World News (https://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/World.xml)
Israel-Hamas War: Blinken Calls on Israel to Build Ties With Arab Nations
Gabriel Attal Is France’s Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister

Source: BBC News - World (https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml)
2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record
Gabriel Attal: Macron's pick for PM is France's youngest at 34

Source: Bitcoin Blockchain (https://blockchain.info/q/latesthash)



To view all past canaries, see:

What is BusKill?

BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)
Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info youtube.com/v/qPwyoD_cQR4

If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Saki@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

The right time to start protecting your digital privacy is before your trip […] The simplest and most reliable precaution against border searches is to reduce the amount of information that you carry across the border.


Sometimes law enforcement officials achieve so-called “consent” by being vague […] You can try to dispel this ambiguity by inquiring whether border agents are asking you or ordering you […] If an agent says it is a request only, you might politely but firmly decline to comply with the request.

If you are a U.S. citizen, border agents cannot stop you from entering the country, even if you refuse to unlock your device, provide your device password, or disclose your social media information. However, agents may escalate the encounter if you refuse.

If you elect to comply with a border agent’s order to unlock your device, provide your password, or disclose your social media information, you can inform the agent that you are complying under protest and that you do not consent.

It is possible that if you unlock your device, and agents then search your device, a court will rule that you consented to the search. […] As noted in Part 1, the best way to avoid an inadvertent “consent” to search is to decline to unlock your device, provide the device password, or provide any social media information.

Technically, you don’t even need to admit that you know the password.

If you believe that border agents violated your digital rights at the border, please contact EFF at borders@eff.org.

See also:

submitted 9 months ago by Saki@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

The fact that the issue was discovered by Google TAG suggests it was exploited by a nation-state actor or by a surveillance firm.

As usual, Google did not publish details about the attacks exploiting the flaw in the wild.

See also: https://www.cert.europa.eu/publications/security-advisories/2023-100/

This vulnerability also affects Chromium-based web browser such as Microsoft Edge [3], Brave, Opera, and Vivaldi.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Saki@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

Bis zum Jahr 2030 will die EU allen Bürger:innen eine „European Digital Identity Wallet“ (ID-Wallet) zur Verfügung stellen. Sie soll on- wie offline bei Verwaltungsgängen und Bankgeschäften, aber auch bei Arztbesuchen, Alterskontrollen oder beim Internetshopping zum Einsatz kommen.

(By 2030, the EU wants to provide all citizens with a “European Digital Identity Wallet” (ID wallet). It is intended to be used online and offline for administrative procedures and banking as well as medical visits, age verification, and internet shopping.)

The article (in German) is mostly about eIDAS 45
Cf. https://monero.town/post/1018961 Last Chance to fix eIDAS: Secret EU law threatens Internet security

(There are many English articles about it; see e.g.
https://mullvad.net/en/blog/eu-digital-identity-framework-eidas-another-kind-of-chat-control )

Though not the main topic of the article, this “ID wallet” thing sounds disturbing. (EU politicians calls a normal wallet “unhosted wallet” and don’t like it very much.)

submitted 10 months ago by tusker@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

Retroshare establish encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail... Retroshare is fully decentralized, and designed to provide maximum security and anonymity to its users beyond direct friends. Retroshare is entirely free and open-source software. It is available on Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows. There are no hidden costs, no ads and no terms of service.

submitted 10 months ago by Saki@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

A storefront, said Ortis, is a fake business or entity, either online or bricks-and-mortar, set up by police or intelligence agencies.

The plan, he said, was to have criminals use the storefront — an online end-to-end encryption service called Tutanota — to allow authorities to collect intelligence about them.

Tutanota (now Tuta) denies this: https://tuta.com/blog/tutanota-not-a-honeypot

submitted 10 months ago by Saki@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

These changes radically expand the capability of EU governments to surveil their citizens by ensuring cryptographic keys under government control can be used to intercept encrypted web traffic

This enables the government of any EU member state to issue website certificates for interception and surveillance


The browser ecosystem is global, not EU-bounded. Once a mechanism like QWACs is implemented in browsers, it is open to abuse


The proposal would force internet companies to place a backdoor in web browsers to let them perform a man-in-the-middle attack, deceiving users into thinking that they were communicating with a server they requested, when, in fact, they would be communicating directly with the EU government. […] If passed, the EU would be able to hack into any internet-enabled device, reading any sensitive or encrypted contents without the user's knowledge

See also: https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2023/11/2/eu-digital-identity-framework-eidas-another-kind-of-chat-control/

submitted 11 months ago by Confidant6198@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@monero.town
submitted 11 months ago by tusker@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town
submitted 11 months ago by Saki@monero.town to c/privacy@monero.town

1️⃣ Completely normal photos, such as holiday pictures 🏞️ are considered suspicious.

2️⃣ So our private family photos or the chats and pictures from your sexting yesterday 🍑🍆 also end up on an official table. So we can throw privacy in the bin 🚮

Chances are high that most of your European friends have never heard of chat control. So let them know about the danger and what you think about the chat control proposal.

“The European Commission launched an attack on our civil rights with chat control. I contacted my local MEP to tell him that I oppose the proposal. You can do so too! This Website I found will help you write an e-mail to an MEP using A.I.”

view more: next ›


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