Project Q is the upcoming streaming only device that will allow you to play games installed on a PlayStation 5 remotely.
It has not been announced if the handheld will allow streaming of games from the cloud and is rumoured to cost between £250 - £300.

Will you be picking one up later this year?


Ah, yes. The "let's bloat our game size to bully other games off your SSD so you'll be reluctant to ever uninstall it, because reinstalling it would be a big pain, that way you'll play it indefinitely and give us extra money in micro transactions" strategy.


Hey everyone,

My bad for forgetting to post a thread last week. Since then I've been continuing to work on Ragnarok and I've started Super Mario Wonder with my wife, and a bit with my daughter. I haven't played too much of Wonder but it really is fantastic so far.

BG3 and Spider-man 2 are next in line and currently on the back burner. I really don't want to have to juggle 4 games at once but I might have to play some Spider-man 2 soon.

Also in the last week I beat Cocoon. All I can say is...play it. It's beautiful, the puzzles are great and ramp in difficulty nicely. I know Playdead didn't make this one, but the comparisons to Limbo and Inside I think are still valid. If you liked those games I would definitely give it a try. I think it's better than Limbo, and on par with Inside. Idk if I can say it's better than Inside, but it's definitely not worse. It's right there with it I think. I can see how some might like Inside more though. I don't want to say too much but as far as character, level, and art design, multiple times while playing I remember asking myself, "How did this come out of someone's mind?" It's so very alien in all the right ways. Give it a go. I beat it in about 3-4 hours and I'm still thinking about the ending and the whole experience and what it all means.

Anyway, what're you all up to this week?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by slimerancher@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

PS5 Slim!

The new PS5 has been reduced in volume by more than 30%, and weight by 18% and 24% compared to the previous models. There are four separate cover panels, with the top portion in a glossy look, while the bottom remains in matte. If you purchase the PS5 Digital Edition, you can add the Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive for PS5 later, as it will also be sold separately for 79.99 USD | 119.99 EURO | 99.99 GBP | 11,980 JPY.

The new PS5 model will be available starting this November in the U.S. at select local retailers and direct.playstation.com where available. It will continue to roll out globally in the following months. Once inventory of the current PS5 model has sold out, the new PS5 will become the only model available.

A horizontal stand will be included with the new PS5 model. Also a new Vertical Stand compatible with all PS5 models will be sold separately at 29.99 USD | 29.99 EURO | 24.99 GBP | 3,980 JPY.


I'm on vacation at the moment so I haven't been playing much. Working through Sea of Stars, the Finals, and Spider-Man 2.

What about you all?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by MightyWeaksauce@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

Tried to log in and my account is permanently suspended. I don't do anything close to breaking terms of service and have no clue why this is happening. Found this article and apparently it's not just me. Fingers crossed we get a solution quickly.


I'm still playing Cocoon, Ragnarok, and Baldur's Gate 3. Didn't get much time last week to advance much, so hopefully I will this week.

What about all of you?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by CosmicSploogeDrizzle@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

Hello everyone,

The former mods here have graciously decided to pass over the lead mod position to me so that we can continue to build a great place for PlayStation here on Lemmy. If you don't know who I am, I am the lead mod over on !ps5@lemmy.world and I have been building a place for PS on Lemmy since just before the Reddit fiasco.

I am very active in the community and post regularly/daily about PS5 and PS news over on c/ps5. My co-mod over on c/PS5 (@slimerancher@lemmy.world) is also the lead mod on !nintendo@lemmy.world and they have done a tremendous effort building that community large and wide!

All this is to say...or rather ask you all a few questions:

  • Should c/playstation and c/ps5 join forces? Lemmy as a whole is still very small, and I believe having subscribers divided across two largely similar communities is doing us a disservice. A larger community means more discussions, more comments, more everything.

  • Should we remain separate? I know many of you likely joined c/playstation and c/ps5 for different reasons. Merging the communities might not be what you all want.

  • Do you have different ideas from those above? Please let us know below!

The point of this post is to hear from all of you and gather feedback and ideas before any decision is made. Currently, I plan to release a survey to formalize the options and opinions of the community before we do anything. For now, this post is to inform you all of what is happening and see what you all think.


Here is a link to the similar discussion post I posted over on !ps5@lemmy.world



Same as last week for me. Cocoon, Ragnarok, and BG3.

What are you all up to?

submitted 7 months ago by Maddie47@lemmy.zip to c/playstation@lemmy.world

Oh no, anyway

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by CosmicSploogeDrizzle@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

This week I'm continuing through GoW Ragnarok and Baldur's Gate 3, but I totally forgot that Cocoon was dropping today, so...

Yeah, I'm gonna play that instead. Been looking forward to it for months. I loved Limbo and Inside, so anything even tangentially related to those games is an instant buy in my book.

What are you all up to this weekend?

Edit: Reminder that there is no rule in here stating that you can only discuss PS games in these discussion threads. I often see really great comments in my inbox that are later removed because someone mistook this post for being in a different community. Let it be known that all are welcome in these threads.


Looks like reviews for the portal will be coming in the next few days. Some people are reportedly getting charged for it now prior to shipping.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by WanderingVentra@lemm.ee to c/playstation@lemmy.world

What's a good, relaxing PS5 game to while away the time? My ex used The Sims, a lot of people use Animal Crossing. I only have a PC and a PS5, and sometimes it's nice to cuddle up on the couch under a blanket in this cold weather.

So far one I've considered while browsing the recent sales is Cities:Skylines, but not sure how it plays with a controller. And I haven't see Stardew Valley have a sale pop up yet, but that sounds relaxing as well. I have no other ideas lol.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by kaseijin@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

Did anyone else get their Playstation Portal? I'm having issues with couch seating and my natural grip position. The grip is fine, but the screen angle points upward too much, resulting in glare from whatever is behind and above me (a window, no less). I can change my grip to angle the screen downward towards me, but it's really uncomfortable. Things are better if I sit straight up and hold the Portal lower.

But I'm a a creature of comfort and I'm going to be sitting chill on the couch using this thing. I honestly don't understand how this is even a problem; I never even thought about this ever with my Switch or Steam Deck. Did Playstation not, like, survey a bunch of 30-50 year olds who are probably gonna kick back on a couch to use this thing?

Update: I changed my grip a bit and it helped! Also, holding it upright closer to my face feels okay, too. Lost track of time and my hand wasn't in any discomfort after a few hours, trying various games in different genres.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by CosmicSploogeDrizzle@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been posting weekly discussion threads the last few weeks. They weren't getting too much traction and, more specifically, people weren't engaging with each other, which is what I was trying to encourage. I wanted to take a break and rethink how I wanted to do it to achieve those goals.

So here is a twist on the formula:

  • Tell us not only what you are playing, but also why someone else should pick it up and give it a go themselves.
  • And/or comment on someone else's reply and get a conversation going.

I'll go first:

  • I'm still playing a ton of Helldivers 2. I've put in over 100 hours so far. The last time I put over 100 hours in a game was probably Halo 3, and this is coming from someone who almost exclusively plays single player games. I think this game is unique in that its mechanics are very grounded and physical, the two different factions play very differently, the encouragement to play cooperatively versus competitively is a breath of fresh air, and the monetization in the game is very fair. I love the idea of playing on a giant galactic chess board with hundreds of thousands of other players, evolving the story as we go as a community. It really does feel like a community. At $40 for me, it is such a no-brainer to pick this game up for some awesome times.
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