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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/dDuleReddit on 2023-08-05 21:31:22.

I picked pudge first, then it was banned with the enemy team. Then my teammate picks it. HOW?

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Fast1r1s on 2023-08-05 19:53:57.

I created a post 2 years ago about my 2020 Baby Roshan not being shipped. The status on the cmdvault website is still like this

Every 7-8 months they ask me to "update" my shipping address (even tho I only confirm it). All aegises have succesfully shipped to the same address with no issues. I have reached out to their support multiple times, but every time the answer is a variation of "We are working on it, wait!".

Now that the Baby Roshans were discontinued last year and the battle pass itself was discontinued this year I am not sure if they even plan on ever shipping it. Is there anyone other than their support I can reach out to? The only reason I bought levels for lvl 2000 is to get the Roshan, it will really suck if after 3 years of waiting they just scrap the concept (I assume the website will go if the battle pass replacement doesnt include any collectibles) and I am just left shit out of luck.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Dennis-Isaac on 2023-08-05 18:00:14.

Let’s say something horribly went wrong in the early game and you died 3 times within the first 6 minutes or something like that... What is your comeback strategy from here?

To keep it interesting, let’s say the hero is a support or a hero who can’t jungle fast by default.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/eaglesbay on 2023-08-05 18:54:41.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/hishiko on 2023-08-05 15:12:41.

found these on taobao looks super cool 😮 whaddya think about the merch, buy or pass?!

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Kyubashi on 2023-08-05 17:08:07.


7.33 has proven time and time again how important the initial laning stage is in the current meta-game that we find ourselves in as DotA 2 players. Earlier this year, I produced a post here on Reddit about the Importance of regeneration for the sake of winning lane.

For much the same reason, I wanted to delve a bit deeper into the concept of laning as a whole - and how we can push ourselves as players to make the most out of just about any lane we find ourselves on, provided we look for it.

Video Available At:

I hope the video proves somewhat useful to it's viewers.

My intention wasn't explicitly to tell people HOW exactly to play things out during the laning stage, but more so to critically think and make informed decisions THEMSELVES, and improving this very aspect of their gameplan.

I firmly believe that actively thinking about DotA, questioning your own moves and what you can do as a player, is one of the key methods to improve the fastest, and I equally hope that the video might have given a deeper insight in possible how to do this.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/rtanada on 2023-08-05 14:00:18.

The early game was absolute shit. It was my Lina vs their Weaver. Three times in a row in the first ten minutes I made the mistake of walking too deep into the middle where he will repeatedly own me with his Q, blood grenade and a few auto attacks.

It wouldn't take a genius to see that this is the absolute deal breaker that costed my team some MMR once again. And another to my ever-adding loss streak.

My umpteenth mid game in the month and I still never fully grasped the benefits of perfect positioning just like I never fully perfected my last hitting skills, making me look more like a charlatan, trying to be self-sufficient, considering my support games would often pair me with shit cores, by playing a core role myself, but lacking the skills needed to even be decent at it.

If this is how I have been doing my games, maybe I do deserve being in Guardian, fresh from recalibration to Crusader. Maybe my actual rank is actually Herald. Maybe I don't have what it takes to Dota at all!

(Well, at least, when I play core. My recent support games have been relatively more fruitful, albeit still not really guaranteeing victory all the time, knowing how SEA bottom tier ranked games on the weekends are.)

Sure, I wanna have fun, but I also want to see if I'm getting better, and to mirror the fun the upper echelon players experience, with better chances of victory every time. And ranked is possibly the only place where I can see a semblance of progress in this direction. It almost make Unranked and Turbo look like kryptonite since there is no way I will learn shit in those two.

Maybe I'm just putting it the wrong way the whole time? Maybe it's just me wanting to save face, knowing the adage that if I lose 6 games in a row, then it's on me? Maybe it's the lie I live in, believing I was given a fresh start in a higher rank, when it's possibly just some luck matched bumping up the numbers? Maybe it's the denial that I have not learned anything at all due to how big my ego is, and another lie that I am going to improve at every game?

What is it that I should do to remove myself from this entire shitshow?

submitted 1 year ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/dota2@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/CH053N_534L on 2023-08-05 17:16:41.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/OfflaneGhostik on 2023-08-05 17:14:26.

Hi Reddit, I'm kinda new to making posts, so please don't judge me too harshly. Many of you might know me as Team Empire's former offlane player, Ghostik, the same guy who defeated EG at The International 2017. I'd like to share my story about how people in Ukraine are dealing with war and what it's like to play Dota 2 while being in Ukraine.

I'm from Chernihiv, a city that has been affected by the war (you can find photos of bombed hotels and houses in google). It was a shock for all of us to realize that such a war could happen in the 21st century. Before the war started, I was playing for the Russian team, Team Empire, and, like Mira and Yatoro, I thought that esports were beyond politics. However, when my city got bombed and my former Russian "friends" and teammates remained silent and distant, I understood that nothing in life is beyond politics. Playing my favorite game became nearly impossible when there was a constant threat of rockets, internet shutdowns, and electricity outages due to Russian attacks (this was especially true between October 2022 and March 2023). Nevertheless, thanks to the brave soldiers and the people of Ukraine and support from other countries, we are standing strong.

For me, Dota 2 was always a dream, and I never thought about anything other than winning The International. However, after the war began, I couldn't continue playing for a Russian team, even if they publicly claimed to be against the war. The fact remains that they live in Russia and pay taxes there, and helping them to win money in Dota 2 could indirectly fund the war through those taxes. So, I decided to fully embrace streaming and used my platform to raise awareness about the situation in Ukraine. Unfortunately, I faced a lot of hate from Russian viewers who seemed to be deeply influenced by propaganda. I lost like 70% of viewers. My online before war started was 2000 people and after droped to 400-500.

Playing Dota 2 as a Ukrainian player in public games was also difficult during the war. I encountered hurtful comments like, "Why aren't you in a shelter?" or "We will free you, wait (free me from what btw - from life obviously)?" along with offensive language directed towards Ukrainians like *ohol

Tragically, in September 2022, my uncle lost his life while defending Ukraine in this war. Witnessing his family at the funeral was heart-wrenching, and my wife and I were lost in despair because we were close with his family and dreamt of sitting togather and celebrating after he comes back from war. Obviously, this will never happen now.

After that, I made a decision to switch to Ukrainian language on Twitch and in real life. This move received more hate from Russian viewers, who somehow kept watching me, even though I was saying all the time that I supports Ukraine. I also closed my YouTube channel with 60k subscribers and Russian language content and started a new channel entirely in Ukrainian. I felt the need to do more than just donate; I wanted to actively help my country. So, I volunteered for almost a year, doing my best to support Ukraine in any way possible. Streaming helping to raise donations a lot, cause we're united with Ukrainians and thanks to that we raised more than 250 000 $ starting from October 2022.

Now, after sharing my story, let's talk about the recent decision by UESF. Some may view this decision as mere PR, but there are reasons behind why they banned Mira and Yatoro, and I'd like to explain:

  1. You might think: "Oh, what a stupid decision. Mira and Yatoro supporting Ukraine".

Yes, they did at the begining of war. They might making donations quietly still (or maybe not, I don't know). But it's not enough. Imagine: full-scale war is going 1.5 year already and people are voluntering, fighthing, giving all money they have to help their country. Some people are brave/skilled enough and they're fighting at war. Some people are being mobilized to army like my uncle and being killed. Imagine, if this all happened only at the begining of war. Like all this public words from Mira and Yatoro and to be honest - other Ukrainian players like Rezolution, Yuragi, Noone etc. Like, 1 month war started you're doing something - then you like, oh, I'm tired, I'm not gonna say anything in publicity, cause you know, my Russian team and teammates doesn't like that. If that heppened with everyone in Ukraine - we would lost already.

  1. You might think: "They're playing with Russians who're pro-peace".

Okay, how do you know that? From my story - 0 from my ex-teammates contacted me and asked something like: How're you doing ? Not even in public. They're not making statements, a lot of them are still living in Russia, paying taxes there like nothing happened. They have opportunity and money to relocate from this country with family, but they just don't care.

You don't wanna talk about that ? Okay, you have opportunity to at least change your flag on Liquipedia like some players did (like Chuvash, 9Class, Swedenstrong etc.). Did players from Team Spirit or others teams done this ? No.

  1. You might think: "Mira and Yatoro are playing in organization that immediately relocated from Russia to Serbia and publicly announced their pro-peace position too"

At the begining of war Valve announced that non Russian teams can play in their tournaments, which is why a lot of Russian teams like VP,BB, TSpirit and others changed their countrys. And of course they will be pro-peace, cause if they don't they will be insta disqualified from everywhere. But ask yourself: did they do it cause they don't wanna be in Russia or they were forced to do it cause of Valve ?

  1. You might think that: " Mira and Yatoro has huge fanbase in Ukraine"

You're wrong. They have people, who's supporing them cause they're from Ukraine, yes. But most of Ukraine players are dissapointed in their actions. Better to say - dissapointed in luck of actions from them.

I hope this clarifies how Ukrainians feel about the situation. UESF's decision may seem to have double standards, but the core issues remain unchanged.

Lastly, if you encounter a Ukrainian player in a Dota 2 pub, please show them some support and understanding. We all need it during these hard times. Dota 2 is an amazing game, and hopefully, one day, Valve will create a treasure in Dota where proceeds will go to support Ukraine.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/mancko28 on 2023-08-05 16:53:18.

wait what? (i.redd.it)
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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/aquamar1ne on 2023-08-05 15:41:42.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/ahmed0112 on 2023-08-05 15:20:31.

Us CSGO fans have been eating good since CS2 was announced

And TF2 fans are starving as always

How does Valve treat you guys? Y'all getting regular updates? Balance changes? Anti-cheat?

Just wondering since before CS2 was announced, us CSGO fans were also underwhelmed with updates meaning valve wasn't supporting any of their massive online games

Thanks for any info Have a good day forwards

submitted 1 year ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/dota2@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/leviathan_13 on 2023-08-05 11:31:21.

Information is unclear and this is just my hot take, therefore it's possible and probable that I got something wrong, but after the news that Valve is cracking down on Arcade's monetization, I see many comments cheering that "finally, Valve is getting rid of P2W". Why are you reducing the discussion to that? To me, that's the same as cheering at an apartment complex catching fire because a guy you didn't like lived there. What about the others then? That seems just a massive bad take, IMHO.

First of all, what makes you think that's the issue? I don't see any mention in Valve "message" that P2W was the issue, but it's also understandable that they wouldn't be clear about it in the first place. However, the actions they are taking are not targeting P2W specifically, are they? Therefore there is no reason to assume that P2W was an issue in the first place. I don't like P2W as much as the other guy, but that's why I don't play those games. I saw custom games that were extensively P2W and just never played them again. If people like to play those, it has nothing to do with me and if you want to play them without the P2W aspects, then just make your own version of that. Apparently, it's totally easy to do and maintain /s.

But let's assume that P2W games somehow disappear, what about games that are not P2W? Because it seems to me that Valve is targeting monetization in general, not P2W. No custom games force you to pay to play, however if people want to support a specific game through monetization, especially if that game is F2P, why fellow players would suddenly argue that's "wrong" and that custom games have to be free and not ask for any support? I mean, I can play a game that I don't support without spending a cent and enjoy it for free. It seems to me that everybody wins here. Because it's my understanding that the more work you want to put into a custom game and the more features you want to add, especially stuff that relies on third parties like data tracking and MMR, the more likely you will encounter costs, not to mention the inevitable cost of everything: time. It seems that most popular custom games in the arcade use monetization, therefore most arcade players enjoyed and maybe directly supported them too. If you remove the viability of that model, then you can expect that all custom games in the future will be "Dota 2 but"-like games that will become unsupported after a couple of patches. Don't complain about it later then.

I understand, instead, Valve's legal motivation that the workshop is supposed to be non-commercial and therefore I don't blame them for enforcing their legal rights. I can blame them, however, for not doing it in the first place. If that was their stance, then they shouldn't have given false expectations for years to players and devs alike of what the arcade could be.

And finally, let's really be honest on the whole free-to-play and monetization thing: is Dota 2 pay-to-win? No, it's free-to-play. Then let me also ask you: how much money have you dumped on this free-to-play game? (If you are curious about a rough estimate, go to your Steam profile --> Badges --> Dota 2 and click "How do I earn card drops?" in the top right) That's right. So why would you, as a player, think that suddenly doing the same for a custom game is "wrong"? What the arcade probably really needs is a proper and official way to handle and regulate monetization, does it not? It seems that most devs would also support that, even with Valve getting a cut, so everybody would win, wouldn't they? I can see that maybe it won't be an easy thing to do, but surely they can explore other options before launching the nukes at least.

Sorry for the wall of text, this was just my hot take on the matter since I was sad to see many people getting toxic over stuff that they didn't care about in the first place and cheering that other people's fun would get ruined. And since that seems to be the popular stance, it probably also means RIP my karma -_-'

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/intro-deuce on 2023-08-05 11:56:19.

Has it been always the case for Razor? I just bought the immortal recently but for some reason I cant see nor change the icon for his Static Link.

Nullifier is OP (lemmit.online)
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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/PlasticizeTheOceans on 2023-08-05 13:55:50.

Wind Waker should not be dispellable! Make that item better and give supports one chance against nullifier

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/kenxocd on 2023-08-05 13:53:10.

True Sight 2022 (lemmit.online)
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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/thisiswhatucameforNs on 2023-08-05 07:53:13.

Where is True Sight 2022? I really wanna see and listen to my boy Puppey….

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Starkiller53 on 2023-08-05 13:06:22.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/djgromo on 2023-08-05 12:57:22.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Brunosh1t on 2023-08-05 10:01:04.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/No-Adhesiveness2707 on 2023-08-05 12:40:47.

I’m in sea if that helps.

Edit 1: I see some yeses coming in… shall we find a way to riot and loot? I really want the PA and pink faceless void arcanas I definitely did not pay for or earn

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/TheGreatGimmick on 2023-08-05 11:59:46.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/LamantinoReddit on 2023-08-05 09:59:47.

According to data I can find, ancients top 5-10% of players by rank, but people often reffer to that rank as "low", like "you are so bad for playing here".

I know, it's low compared to top 0.1% of players, but...do we usually calling something "low" in comparsion to "0.1"?

Like, we wouldn't call person "short" for being 190 cm. because some people here are 220+ or "slow runner" for not being like Usain Bolt, but can run better than 90% of people.

Why in dota so many people tend to use that deragotory and humiliating definition?

submitted 1 year ago by bot@lemmit.online to c/dota2@lemmit.online
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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/ensemble-learner on 2023-08-05 11:00:46.

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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/johhny_belafucio on 2023-08-05 10:43:12.

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