Deus Ex Randomizer

136 readers
1 users here now

Randomizer mod for the original Deus Ex, to massively increase replayability!

Mods4Ever FAQ here

founded 2 years ago

Download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically. We also support Revision, GMDX, HX, and Vanilla? Madder.


Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's the trailer for our Halloween modes!

Halloween Trailer

Here's the trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • You must now pet Starr instead of simply visiting her for bingo
  • Fixed bug where game would end if you completed a bingo line without a Bingo Win setting configured
  • Many improvements for Revision

See the full change log here!

Download from


Download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically. We also support Revision, GMDX, HX, and Vanilla? Madder.


Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's the trailer for our Halloween modes!

Halloween Trailer

Here's the trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

New Game Modes

  • Mr. Page's Mean Bingo Machine: A new mode where you play through the whole game, but must complete a set number of bingo lines before being allowed to progress to the next mission. Once you get to the next mission, you are given a new bingo board!
    • Special handling for Anna and Walt in Mean Bingo Machine
      • Since they can be difficult to avoid killing, they needed special care to reduce impossible bingo goals on future mission bingo boards
      • 50% chance for Anna to be deleted from Mission 4, and Walt from Mission 14, so the bingo goals to kill them on a future board would always be possible
      • The other 50% chance leaves them but bans the goal from appearing on the future bingo boards
  • One Item Mode: Our new dumbest game mode! All items in a map will be replaced with a single type of item (eg. all flares, all biocells, or all beers)

Major Changes

  • Give the security computer in Mission 5 MJ12 Lab with Paul's camera the special computer skin, since it reveals Paul's randomized location
  • Aug Canisters now show the aug location in the description and also show the stats and description of the augs contained within
  • Augs can now receive randomized slots (so speed can be an eye aug)
    • On NG+, augs are first removed based on newly assigned slots, then more get removed only if you didn't lose enough already
    • Setting is a % chance for each aug to be assigned a new random slot (100% means all augs will have a randomly assigned slot, 50% means half will retain their original slot)
  • Deus Ex: Revision support is massively improved as a whole (see below)
  • Fixed issue with bingo goal scaling when changing Bingo Duration in the Advanced Settings
  • Many fixes for bingo goals and mid-mission starts

Major Deus Ex: Revision Changes

  • Music Randomization is now supported for the Revision and PS2 soundtracks!
  • Added "Goal Locations" button to Revision goals screen
  • Hacking Computers in Revision now uses energy (and has the Use Biocell button)
  • Fixed Zombie respawning for Revision-modified MJ12 Troops
  • Fixed Datacubes not being shuffled in Revision
  • Datacubes now have defined rules in Revision (should ensure datacubes are shuffled into "safe" locations before the location they're needed)
  • Area 51 Bunker vent entrance is now harder, like in Vanilla Randomizer:
    • The door on the top of the vent is locked
    • The password on the security computer has been changed (and a datacube added with the password)
    • The elevator starts at the bottom
    • The elevator call button has been replaced with a keypad (and a datacube added with the code)
    • Many goal randomization changes for Revision

And much more! See the full change log here!

Download from


Download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.

If you're having an issue with the installer program: Manual Installation Instructions for Vanilla, Lay D Denton, GMDX, Revision, HX co-op, and Vanilla? Madder.


Seven days until Halloween! Here's the trailer for our new Halloween modes!

Halloween Trailer

Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's the trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

  • We've seen some confusion with Limited Fixed Saves. When you have a Memory Containment Unit in your inventory (or 2 for the new Extreme version) you only need to have the box highlight on the computer and then you can use the normal Save Game menu or Quicksave button. The only freebie autosave you get is at the very start of the game. Make sure to save before going to Battery Park! Sometimes you might want to backtrack to save. Remember that if you die not all is lost, because you now have a better plan!


  • Fixed Mr. H from counting in the M04 raid enemy counter
  • Fixed zombie Howards preventing Silo from completing
  • Disable infolink about MJ12 if Paris is Chill
  • Added Paris elevator call button at the top
  • Some fixes for endgame cutscenes and NG+

Download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.

If you're having an issue with the installer program: Manual Installation Instructions for Vanilla, Lay D Denton, GMDX, Revision, HX co-op, and Vanilla? Madder.


Seven days until Halloween! Here's the trailer for our new Halloween modes!

Halloween Trailer

Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's the trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

  • We've seen some confusion with Limited Fixed Saves. When you have a Memory Containment Unit in your inventory (or 2 for the new Extreme version) you only need to have the box highlight on the computer and then you can use the normal Save Game menu or Quicksave button. The only freebie autosave you get is at the very start of the game. Make sure to save before going to Battery Park! Sometimes you might want to backtrack to save. Remember that if you die not all is lost, because you now have a better plan!

Major Changes

  • Extreme Limited Fixed Saves mode, uses 2 Memory Containment Units per save instead of 1. Must also be near a computer like in the other Fixed Saves modes. Pairs well with Halloween Mode for a new challenge!
  • Reduced Mr. H's health. You still can't kill him, but if you deal enough damage to him then he will run away.
  • Separate option for enemies weapons variety % (issue #729)
  • Slightly buffed prod range from 80 like a knife, to 88 (half a foot more). For reference, Dragoon's Tooth Sword is 96 range.
  • Fixed installer and BingoViewer crash when searching missing removable drives
  • Installer now detects if the game is running
  • Autofill passwords is now disabled by default in Zero Rando (non-plus)
  • Rando Medium now uses slightly reduced enemy randomization and enemy weapons variety
  • New home for the DXRando Activity bot

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • Added the missing UNATCO public computer terminal to M04 and redistributed the articles between them
  • Fixed zombies counting as killing innocents for bingo
  • Fixed 06_HONGKONG_WANCHAI_GARAGE AllianceTriggers behind the barricade
  • Fixed zombie time counting during menus
  • Fixed AimeeLeMerchantLived conditions
  • Graveyard zombies now get random names
  • New menu option to disable October Cosmetics, separate from Memes
  • You can now carve jack-o'-lanterns with a knife or sword, as long as you do less than 7 damage
  • Swapped actors also swap bOwned (this may affect NPCs saying things about you grabbing items)
  • D3D 11 hide targeting zoom view because it doesn't work
  • The additional explosive crates on superfreighter no longer appear for Zero Rando mode
  • Fixed a rare bug with carrying crates in shallow water
  • Don't lie about Chad being alive
  • The randomized Metro Nicolette is gone on Chateau and beyond starts
  • Fixed mini-crossbow's unique sound instead of generic silenced weapon sound
  • Consuming zyme now does damage, as intended
  • The augmentation cannister description now mentions AugBots
  • OrdersTrigger now affects clones, and when disabling non-robots it kills them instead of making them t-pose
  • Don't play Walton's infolinks if he's dead
  • Fixed collision for datacubes, and in speedrun mode also for jack-o'-lanterns
  • Removed annoying messages about inventory overlap when glitches are enabled
  • Fixed certain advanced settings not always being properly reset when navigating the new game screens and changing game modes


Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.

If you're having an issue with the installer program: Manual Installation Instructions for Vanilla, Lay D Denton, GMDX, Revision, HX co-op, and Vanilla? Madder.


Happy October! Here's a trailer for our new Halloween modes!

Halloween Trailer

Click to show previous trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • When playing with Fixed Saves (such as in Halloween mode) there is now 1 Memory Containment Unit in each map, instead of being just an 80% chance
  • Jail no longer takes away your Memory Containment Units
  • Mr. H can now swim
  • Fixed regen not getting boosted past level 4 when using Synthetic Heart

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • More random clothes, especially for Lay D Denton
  • Zombies no longer hate critters
  • Mole People NSF clones are friendly on starts between airfield helibase and 747
  • A few mission 14 later start fixes
  • Warehouse Generator fixed center point
  • No more spiderwebs on the silo skybox
  • Meg is named Meg
  • Fixed typo in EMP Shield description
  • Horde Mode now longer showing bingo notifications
  • Raised sewer lasers in mission 4 to match mission 2 and 8
  • Fixed incorrect PIN on a mission 4 datacube


Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.

If you're having an issue with the installer program: Manual Installation Instructions for Vanilla, Lay D Denton, GMDX, Revision, HX co-op, and Vanilla? Madder.


Happy October 1st (depending on your timezone)! Here's a trailer for our new Halloween modes!

Halloween Trailer

Click to show previous trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • New game modes: Halloween Mode, WaltonWare Halloween, Zombies Horde Mode, Halloween Entrance Randomization, and WaltonWare Halloween Entrance Rando
    • Halloween Trailer
    • Limited and Fixed saves - you need a Memory Containment Unit to save, and you must save at a security computer, personal computer, public terminal, or ATM. (Save Behavior in New Game)
    • Mr. H is immortal but you can hurt him to make him run away for a bit.
    • Zombies will spawn from dead carcasses after about 20 seconds (adjustable using the "Enemies Respawn Seconds" option in the Advanced menu).
    • You start with Run Silent instead of Speed aug (optional in Advanced settings)
    • You need to loot your Halloween costumes (clothes looting option in Advanced)
    • Halloween cosmetics: Jack 'o' Lanterns, and spiderwebs!

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • Area 51 improved datacube rules for stairwell blast door and reactor lab code datacubes in Sector 3
  • Fixed locations for nanokeys in Paris street/metro, and added a key for the media store
  • Added a spotlight in the Paris Media Store when a goal character is inside
  • Improved lighting for warehouse generator and ship weld points when playing with Brightness Boost set to 0
  • Cleaned up mission 5 surgery ward equipment locations
  • Fixed button on Smuggler's elevator
  • Fixed hostages being unable to get into the subway
  • Maintain Paris Chill % across NG+ loops
  • End credits now supports multiple columns of text
  • Revision can now use randomized music when soundtrack is set to vanilla
  • For non-vanilla mods, fixed looted grenades and throwing knives from walls not having randomized stats
  • Gas station now has a datacube with Tiffany's portrait (can help in WaltonWare)
  • Maggie leaves her apartment after showing the DTS to Max, and a police vault datacube is added to Tonnochi Road
  • Area 51 gray room Geiger sound is quieter after generators are turned off
  • Fixes for goal texts being updated
  • Randomized passwords no longer have spaces around them
  • Prevent quick consume from using more than one item in a stack
  • Elevators now have more consistent movement speeds
  • Slightly increased Payphone collision radius because some were slightly inside the wall
  • Fixes for weapon display on high FOV
  • Improvements to handling of failed bingo goals
  • New option to show or hide messages about bingo progress
  • Fixes for more mid-mission starts in WaltonWare
  • NYC Airfield Helibase cameras and turrets will be disabled after finishing 747
  • Fixed issues with upgrading active augs


Another race between Nitram, Ramisme, and Voukras! This time played on v3.1 with the new randomized goal locations in Area 51.


Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.


Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

Here's a trailer for our new Mirrored Maps feature in v2.5. Play through the game with a random mix of mirrored maps, which will keep you on your toes even more than the randomizer has before!

v2.5 Mirrored Maps Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • Vandenberg Command changes:
    • Fixed triggers for killing MJ12 Security Bots sometimes not working
    • Tong is now truly fearless
    • Comm doors opening immediately when releasing friendly bots is now disabled for Zero Rando mode so it functions as vanilla does
      • (but Zero Rando Plus does allow this, so feel free to play Stick With the Prod Plus with Zero Rando Plus)
  • Fixed ChargedPickup (armors, etc) timer rounding issues
  • Added an option for the color tint of Vision Enhancement/Tech Goggles
  • Vision Enhancement/Tech Goggles now use blue highlights for datacubes/nanokeys, this can help at max level when there's a lot of items visible
  • Make Anna, Gunther, and Walton more aggressive (and make sure enemies consider explosions a primary damage type)
  • Added message to Spy Drone Window to indicate when you don't have enough energy to detonate

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • Randomized outfits will now properly use the glowing visors from stealth aug guys. Also add the NSF helmet and plain riot helmet to the clothing choices.
  • Talking to Achille as a man doesn't complete the "Get info from Camille" bingo goal
  • Slightly moved Tiffany's Speedrun mode TNT crate so she can't escape
  • Make sure Area 51 Bunker elevator buttons can't be used unless the power has been turned on
  • When Prison Pocked is enabled, delete "you have found your equipment" infolink in mission 5
  • Crowd Control is now always ready for connections on the title screen


Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.


Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

Here's a trailer for our new Mirrored Maps feature in v2.5. Play through the game with a random mix of mirrored maps, which will keep you on your toes even more than the randomizer has before!

v2.5 Mirrored Maps Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

(The change log since v3.0 was too much for Lemmy's character limit, so check the comments!)


Find these players on the official speedrun leaderboard:

Nitram: Youtube | Twitch

Ramisme: Youtube | Twitch

Voukras: Youtube


Download from here:


Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.


Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our old trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v2.0 Trailer

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

Here's a trailer for our new Mirrored Maps feature in v2.5. Play through the game with a random mix of mirrored maps, which will keep you on your toes even more than the randomizer has before!

v2.5 Mirrored Maps Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • You can now pet the dog! And other animals too. With bingo goals.
    • image
  • Loot Refusal for looting carcasses.
    • Check your defaults in the Rando -> Gameplay menu.
    • On your inventory screen you have buttons to mark items as trash or not trash, these are only remembered for the current run (since the stats change every run/seed). Marking an item as trash will also drop it.
    • Trash items will fall from carcasses when you loot them instead of going into your inventory, but you can still pick them up from there.
  • Turn off any glow on datacubes once you've read them, which helps finding datacubes that are close together.
  • Reworked Synthetic Heart aug. It no longer uses energy on its own, it just multiplies the energy cost of the boosted augs.
  • Reworked Spy Drone aug. Energy cost is reduced greatly, but detonating the Spy Drone now costs 10 energy. (You can disable the aug for free.)
  • Fixed jail reducing your ammo, especially for grenades.
  • Speedrun mode now defaults to realtime menus. Fixed the crash when changing levels with windows open. Also autorun is a little smarter now. By the way, we now have an official speedrun leaderboard on
  • Fixed GMDX v10 crash "missing Animal.ModifyDamage" (Issue #767)

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • Airfield hanger code datacube no longer allowed under turrets at security tower door.
  • Jock leaves the bar before flying to the NSF warehouse
  • More info in messages after using medbots/repair bots.
  • Restore 2 Nicollete lines in the Chateau cellar.
  • Fix crates that allow you to jump out of the Warehouse sewer water.
  • fix Anna pepper spray when EMP'd and other issues with shielded enemies.
  • PS20/40 get thrown away more quickly.
  • Buffed update notifications.
  • Speedrun splits display tweaks and smarter balanced splits.
  • Toned down lamps a bit to retain the original mood of the game.
  • Fixed some floating nanokeys and datacubes.
  • Bingo Goal for disabling electrical control panels in Vandenberg Computer room no longer gets completed by merging Helios.
  • Highlighting decorations will now show the proper number of shots from sabot and explosive weapons.
  • Laser emitters now take damage from sabot and explosives even when under the min damage threshold, to match behaviour of other breakable objects. Highlight text reflects this as well.
  • Tweaks to baby grays and baby karkians.
  • Smuggler's elevator is now smarter.
  • Fixed alliances in versalife when you steal the rom encoding.
  • Fixed Lucky Money police getting angry at you too easily.
  • Fixes for WaltonWare starts in the middle of Hong Kong and Area 51.
  • Add elevator Open Door button texture to the millions of elevators.
  • Miguel no longer hates shots in UNATCO HQ.
  • Doors at elevator down to Area 51 sector 3 can now be opened again by the call button after Bob stops blabbing about the man who did the job.
  • Lay D Denton now has more randomized clothes.
  • Zero Rando books now add to your notes too.


First sub 2 hours run for me! Down from 2h04m09s.

On Friday at noon (Eastern Time EST/EDT) I'm doing a run for the FFR marathon of randomizers, go here for the schedule and to follow the event

To watch the marathon event, it will be here (yes it says Final Fantasy lol) -- Watch live at


We finally have an official speedrun leaderboard! We've been tracking records manually before by ourselves, but I think this will provide better visibility for people!


The race will be here:

Nitram vs Ramisme race

Youtube gives a countdown, and also has an option to be notified.

Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.


Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our old trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v2.0 Trailer

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

Here's a trailer for our new Mirrored Maps feature in v2.5. Play through the game with a random mix of mirrored maps, which will keep you on your toes even more than the randomizer has before!

v2.5 Mirrored Maps Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • Fixed M12 vandenberg command, vanilla Jock and Tong location had Tong inside the helicopter which was a softlock
  • Added datacube to the Lucky Money with the password to the security computer, for opening the freezer door
  • M02 battery park replaced vents start with shanty town
  • Moved Silo Machine Shop Computer location from on the desk to on the wall
  • Fixed weapon's ammo amount when dropped or taken away (M05 grenades)
  • Speedrun mode now gets slightly more starting equipment
  • Speedrun splits view use average splits instead of golds for calculating balanced splits
  • Deus_nsf's "semi-retro" texture filtering added into the advanced settings of the installer, alongside the "retro" option
  • Moved laser triggers in mission 8 sewers up a little bit so they are at the same height as other missions (and you can crouch under them)
  • Miguel is no longer considered saved if you tell him to wait where he is once you get to the surface.
  • More bingo goals turning red when they are detected to be impossible

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • Fixed some carcasses being invisible
  • Tweaks to lamps
  • Fixed rotation of mirrored Hong Kong Helibase buttons
  • Fixes for HX bingo
  • Medbots and Repairbots stop glowing once disabled
  • Tweaks for randomized names
  • Fixed spawned datacubes blocking pawns
  • Moved item on corner of desk in Ocean Lab slightly away from the corner
  • M14 Silo slide now has reduced friction
  • M12 gas station, fixed bigger than normal MJ12 Commandos not being able to kill Tiffany
  • Slightly reduced volume of flaming barrels and laser emitters


Vanilla Fixer: automatically applies compatibility fixes without changing the game at all.

Zero Rando mode: features many quality of life improvements and bug fixes. Based on Deus Ex Randomizer but without the randomization.

Randomizer Lite mode: keeps the randomization subtle, without moving anything or breaking immersion. Similarly there is a Randomizer Medium mode which enables a bunch more randomization features without getting too crazy.

All with good Steam Deck support!

Lots of things not shown in this video because I tried to keep it under 3 minutes. Features such as the integrated bingo board, support for Crowd Control, brightness boost adjustment, and looting improvements, which are all available options even in Zero Rando mode!


Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.


Click to show trailers

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our old trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v2.0 Trailer

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

Here's a trailer for our new Mirrored Maps feature in v2.5. Play through the game with a random mix of mirrored maps, which will keep you on your toes even more than the randomizer has before!

v2.5 Mirrored Maps Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • Simplified barrels to combine multiple variants that did the same thing. Also added optional new textures to make it even clearer (look in the Rando menu).
  • Weapons that fall out of enemy hands due to damage now have ammo
  • M14 Silo: Howard radio room closer to window, and added computer in machine shop
  • Added option to automatically put away in-hand items when trying to pick up decorations
  • Nerfed automatic power recirculator slightly
  • Gas colliding with enemies is now more consistent
  • You now start with 6575 skill points, and Zero Rando defaults to Trained pistol with 5000 points remaining like vanilla does (except without the exploit/bug with untraining pistol)
  • More goal locations mutual exclusions, to reduce the difference between best seed and worst seed for each mission
    • M02 subway vents start and subway ambrosia because of easy skill points
    • M02 warehouse alley generator and sewer jock, this combo was too easy
    • M08 the 2 bar locations, bar is still the best place to check but now you can't get both Harley and Vinny in the bar at the same time
    • M12 starting front gate and exiting at front gate, because that's too much walking back and forth, also slightly moved front gate start forwards where Tong normally is

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • Option for quickload to load the latest save instead of only the quicksave slot
  • Removed default "disallow skill upgrades" for Extreme and Impossible
  • Guards outside NSFHQ map can now become hostile
  • Fixed some issues with ShotTime (weapon firing cooldown) when changing ammo types, like 20mm HE
  • Slightly increased head/torso damage multipliers, Zero Rando uses vanilla
  • Microfibral Muscle aug now subtly allows you to jump while carrying heavier decorations
    • First level allows jumping with chairs and trashbags
    • Second level (max) allows jumping with small metal crates
  • Slightly more pistols and batons, slightly higher pistol max ammo, slightly fewer assault rifles and throwing knives
  • Augmentation hum sound continues when loading a new map
  • Merchant Hints and greetings
  • Le Merchant more aggressive
  • Fixed losing crates to the void when climbing ladders
  • Fixed remember crouch through saves and across map transitions
  • Improved marking of some bingo goals red
  • Fixed Miguel disappearing when you left him behind
  • Tech goggles and vision enhancement aug can now see what items are inside of crates


Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section at the bottom of the GitHub page (Linux version also available, as well as the Vanilla Fixer tool). It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.


Click to show trailers

Here's a trailer for WaltonWare mode. WaltonWare mode is focused on quick wins by completing a single bingo line, and increasing difficulty after every win. The bingo goals are all scaled to their minimum settings and you start in a random area. All bingo goals will be completable within just a few maps!

WaltonWare Trailer

Here's a trailer for our new Mirrored Maps feature in v2.5. Play through the game with a random mix of mirrored maps, which will keep you on your toes even more than the randomizer has before!

v2.5 Mirrored Maps Trailer

If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our old trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v2.0 Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • Fixed a bug that was causing skill/aug strengths to not be consistent.
    • (Loading older saves will give you different skill/aug strengths from before, but otherwise playable.)
  • New WaltonWare starting locations, previously we only had 13, now we have 40 of them!
  • Added 14 more bingo goals.
  • Vandenberg Silo improvements:
    • Spawn Howard Strong immediately (assuming Helios was born and you downloaded the UC schematics).
      • This allows you to scout for the launch control computer and Howard at the same time.
      • If you kill Howard before redirecting the missile, the infolink dialog will be slightly rearranged to be more appropriate.
    • Fixed Howard and Jock both being able to spawn in the Launch Command room
  • Fixed some songs that can get stuck when using Randomized Music.
    • (This will reset your music config so you may need to re-enable Unreal or UT music in the Rando menu.)
  • Some fixes for Zero Rando mode, including a fix for the 50% mirrored maps option in Zero Rando mode.
  • Removed more balance changes from Zero Rando mode, mostly small map specific tweaks.
  • Nerfed power recirculator aug when you have it in automatic mode.
  • Fixed advanced settings when playing an alternate game mode (such as tweaking the settings for WaltonWare mode).
  • Option for Deus_nsf's tweaked D3D10 shaders, look in the Advanced settings in our Installer program.
  • Computer skill Advanced and Master base costs reverted back to the vanilla.
    • Level 1 is the only one that's OP, we rarely saw players get upgrades past that.
    • Previously the base costs were: 1575 for Trained, 3150 for Advanced, and 5250 for Master
    • Now the base costs are: 1575 for Trained, 2250 for Advanced, and 3750 for Master
  • Nerfed lower levels of speed aug back to vanilla. Max level is still a little weaker than vanilla.
    • We were a little worried about speedruns and races, but as Nitram has shown, speedrunners can adapt.
  • Enabled randomized bot weapons by default.
  • OpenAugTree by WCCC (at the bottom of the Keyboard/Mouse settings, bind it to a key).
    • This is great for playing on Steam Deck or on a controller.
  • Allow animals to be knocked unconscious.

This is the fastest time since the release of v2.6 (which had a bunch of additions and changes that slowed down the speedrun for everyone) so we're calling this the new world record speedrun in this post-v2.6 era. This was played on v2.6.3.6 Alpha.

Nitram came on to the scene very quickly getting sub-2 hour runs with a totally different strategy than we've been doing. Previously we were focusing on running past everything as quickly as possible and hacking all computers in our path. But Nitram starts the game with lots of looting, more careful combat with less deaths, and typically not getting the Computer skill until the end of the game or not at all! In this run he got Computer skill right at the very end (1:38:57 in the video) because of Silo. I guess since he found the computer right away he didn't have time to find the datacube before finding the computer.

It is yet to be seen if the minimal, run past everything approach can beat this time in v2.6+, we will have to wait and see if other runners attempt it or follow this strategy. But it is exciting to have such a shakeup in the meta, and it seems the Randomizer is currently balanced enough to allow these completely different strategies to be viable even for the speedrun.

The previous world record was 1:28:02 by Ramisme in v2.5.4, about 5 months ago:

(And yes, we have our own version of LiveSplit built right into the game’s HUD. It autosplits and removes load times.)


If you don't know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here's our old trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v2.0 Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog here. It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

For Nvidia users, setting ultra low latency mode for DXRando.exe can help performance. Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer's features and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.

Major Changes

  • New Vanilla Fixer program - similar to our installer, except it defaults to only apply the fixes to vanilla for modern computers with high resolutions and high framerates, without changing the gameplay at all. Like a "Zero Changes" mode.
  • Installer now has an option to default to Zero Rando mode for vanilla menu experience on the first start
  • Rando Medium mode, disables goals rando and memes
  • Disabled fast forwarding through infolinks in training, and training restores health each map
  • Fixed M04 street doors not opening after talking to Paul
  • For other mods, fixed the M04 alliance change when using the computer
  • Fixed M03 airfield helibase, chance for the key to not be available if the enemy is not there (and similar problems on other maps)
  • Randomize MaxAmmo, and maxCopies for stackable items
  • Laser triggers now ignore in flight projectiles (such as throwing an EMP grenade at them), and the weapons that enemies are carrying
  • Reduced lower-bound door/keypad strength adjustments, to try to increase variety
  • Explosives Only loadout
  • Rubber Baton for Stick With the Prod Plus, Grenades Only, and Explosives Only
    • Does 3 damage so you can break crates and windows, but deals 0 damage to enemies

  • More Aug Improvements
    • Aug descriptions show if they're automatic and their linger time
    • Ability to early disable auto augs
    • Combat Strength now has a quicker linger time
    • Microfibral Muscle, deleted levels 2 and 3, so you only need 1 upgrade can to get to max level
    • Aqualung is now perfectly automatic, and deleted levels 1 and 3, so it starts off better and you only need 1 upgrade to hit max
    • Aggressive Defense System now only tracks projectiles that are near you, saving some energy and being less annoying
    • Synthetic Heart now has a shorter linger, and the auto setting does not increase its energy usage
    • Targeting aug no longer shows the annoying "No Image" black rectangle on lower levels, and on max level the image only shows when you have a weapon drawn
    • Improved Vision Enhancement/Tech Goggles green filter to be less green

  • Camera Mode can now be selected under the advanced settings (for third person and fixed camera like Resident Evil)
    • Third Person camera
      • image
    • Fixed Camera - updates the camera angle as you move out of view
      • image
      • image

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes

  • Memes, Show Teleporters, and Randomized Music now have a 3rd setting for "According to Game Mode"
  • New Game menu now remembers settings
  • Added goal note to Silo goal to tell players that Howard will only appear after merging AIs and retrieving UC schematics
  • Swap Player With Another Human Crowd Control Effect will no longer swap with humans in skyboxes (mostly important for Versalife, since the skybox is an overhead view of Tonnochi Road, with people)
  • Made Versalife Labs 1 elevator doors breakable
  • Fearless Leo Gold
  • Fixed Restore Defaults button in Rando settings menu
  • Reduced throw distance of melee weapon when an enemy dies
  • Reduced throw distance of ammo drops from weapons
  • Red laser triggers now flash red while their alarms are going off
  • Fixed lasers in Smuggler's lair to only trigger the door once
  • Rando menu will check if a song file exists before enabling it (you must provide your own music files for Unreal and Unreal Tournament to enable them, we cannot legally provide these)
  • Slightly more obvious error messages with a buzz sound


Big PB for me since v2.6 (which changed a lot for the speedrun)

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