Canadian Hardware Swap
Placeholder until r/CHWS mods want to consider switching to this platform.
If you are interested in an buying an item you must reply to the thread first to ensure to the seller you are not banned from the sub.
Rules and Guidelines
All prices must be listed in Canadian currency - you can convert your prices at the Bank of Canada's forex converter
- If you are selling an item that is reliant on mechanical parts For example, GPU with air or water cooling, CPU cooler (air or liquid). Or anything else that has mechanical moving parts, then you must give the history of the item if it has been highly utilized during its lifetime. e.g., crypto, AI simulation, and/or graphics rendering.
Title Format
[City, Province Code] [H] [W]
- Ex: [Vancouver, BC] [H] ------- [W] -------
Local Only Rules
[Local Only] must be set as your flair if it is a local only shipping item.
Local only posts are strictly reserved only for:
- Complete builds
- ATX Cases
- mATX Cases
- Monitors
- Servers
However, you're much more likely to sell quickly and get the price you want if you're willing to ship, and you can make the buyer pay shipping - so we encourage you to list your items with shipping available.
[H] always goes before [W]
[H] represents Have. State the hardware or payment forms you have.
[W] represents Want. State the hardware or payment forms that you want / accept.
Thread Body Format
Buying threads must contain:
List of each part you are looking to purchase.
List of payment methods you would like to use.
The price range that you are looking to pay for the item
If you are looking to buy Local Only, item must be cost-prohibitive to ship (same scenario for sellers that want to sell Local Only)
Selling/Trading threads must contain:
List of each part you are selling and associated asking prices.
List of payment methods you accept.
Timestamp for each part you are selling, or trading, no older than 3 days from the date of posting. Must be provided at the time of posting.
We suggest you use PayPal Good and Services rather than Friends and Family for your own protection
No Links to Outside Ads.
We require a timestamped picture of items that you're selling to prove that you actually own the item. Please upload your timestamps to Imgur, Google drive, or Dropbox. Other image hosts may confuse our automoderator.
Your timestamp photo must contain:
Date in DD/MM/YYYY and your Reddit username written out on a scrap of paper or sticky note. Date must be no older than 3 days of your date of posting.
The item you're selling. If the item is used, the photo must be of the actual item and not only the box. If the item is BNIB, the photo must clearly show that the box has not been opened (i.e., include the security seal on the package in your photo).
After Posting:
Set the appropriate Flair for your post.
Check back often to reply to comments.
Reposts for the same thread may be reposted once every 72 hours.
New threads can be made every 24 hours. Must not contain the same item(s) that have been posted before within the past 72 hours. This includes deleting the old thread and bumping the item using the new thread.
DO NOT post personal information, yours, or anyone else's. This includes name, phone number, street address, email, etc
Please refer to the anti-scam guide from /r/hardwareswap for safe buy/sell practices.
We are not liable if you get scammed. We HIGHLY recommend checking the user's trade history and only using payment methods which provide some degree of buyer protection.
AT THE TIME OF POSTING, every post must contain an image with the listed hardware and a HANDWRITTEN time-stamp. Time-stamp must include the username and a date no older than three days and should be clearly written on a piece of paper. Unless a product is clearly, visibly FACTORY SEALED, a timestamp of the PRODUCT and not just the BOX is necessary.
Backseat moderating, and rudeness of any sort are not allowed.
Following subreddit etiquette is considered a rule here and warnings/punishments are at the discretion of the moderators. If you see a post that does not follow the rules it is easier to report it and get a moderator to contact the user than causing an argument.
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Logo and banner thanks to Katerina Limpitsouni at