they're in a weird place - not always egregiously terrible in the immediate-eyeroll sense, but every so often some soar icarus-like to flagrant insensibility
(and this has happened enough times that I treat it a bit 🤨)
they're in a weird place - not always egregiously terrible in the immediate-eyeroll sense, but every so often some soar icarus-like to flagrant insensibility
(and this has happened enough times that I treat it a bit 🤨)
it’s certainly the vector from which I’d first heard about that term, but hadn’t realized balaji shillrinivasan was original enough to have come up with that himself
“and that was just the casual sunday”
thought he was more of a brain deep dish kinda guy, given how comprehensively cooked he is
as is tradition, I’d just about managed to get to forgetting that Lorenz and her shitty opinions exist, but a.s has my back!
(and just to head off chud potential: it’s shit like this that I mean, not her being a woman or any other of the fucking strange complaints people have been attaching over the last few years)
jesus fuck so many parts of this are psychic injury
the account name, the presumption of "oh yeah my opinion is right", the very nature of this person's "engagement" (quotes intentional) with conflict, the deference to non-authority (holy fuck how the fuck is it that we have worse than the personal-abdication of christianity (oh right, it's mcfuckingsaltman's fault)).....
I want to say "some of these people are in desperate need of a hug", but then as a friend of mine pointed out recently: "maybe if they weren't all such self-loathing pieces of shit they may actually get a hug"
there’s a lot of people (especially here, but not only here) who have had the insight to see this being the case, but there’s also been a lot of boosters and promptfondlers (ie. people with a vested interest) putting out claims that their precious word vomit machines are actually thinking
so while this may confirm a known doubt, rigorous scientific testing (and disproving) of the claims is nonetheless a good thing
“Are you sure you’re holding it correctly?”
christ, every damn time
holy shit your post history of full of takes this bad, that's an impressive track record of dim. must be exhausting
because no-one likes a confidently wrong smug prick
don't shame people for not having the capacity to run their own infra, jeez
unhandsome jack