lmaoooo the other socialist party Vooruit just launched an Instagram post calling to vote for them instead of our marxist party because a vote for us IS A VOTE FOR PUTIN!!!!!!
They are getting rightfully flamed for it
This is a Dengist community in favor of Bashar al-Assad with no information that can lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton, our fellow liberal and queen. This community is not ironic. We are Marxists-Leninists.
This community is for posts about Marxism and geopolitics (including shitposts to some extent). Serious posts can be posted here or in /c/GenZhou. Reactionary or ultra-leftist cringe posts belong in /c/shitreactionariessay or /c/shitultrassay respectively.
We have a Matrix homeserver and a Matrix space. See this thread for more information. If you believe the server may be down, check the status on status.elara.ws.
lmaoooo the other socialist party Vooruit just launched an Instagram post calling to vote for them instead of our marxist party because a vote for us IS A VOTE FOR PUTIN!!!!!!
They are getting rightfully flamed for it
This is what happens when you have no real counter arguments and base everything off Putin bad against a party calling for no more NATO expansion
I don't get how they expect that to even work. If they're pushing a "Putin bad man" strategy, what separates them from the major parties who are doing that already? How do they expect to pull votes away from a major party with identical policy but far less political inertia?
They could have spend there time and energy to create a plan to work together for the benefit of the working class but instead decided to make a baseless claim
They'd rather govern with right wingers and neolibs than work with us, so...
Typical "leftist" western group. I'm so tired of "idealists" who boil down to preserving the status quo.
And once more a social democrat is found guilty of mudering rosa
Hi! I hope everyone else is having a marvelous Monday. :3
I needed this, I did not know I needed this, but I needed this.
Here's another dose! :3
A Flemish nazi wanted to have a talk at a university and it sparked a lot of protest. The university wanted to let it happen because 'freeze peach'. Guy does the talk and now the university will press charges because surprise surprise the guy went on a racist white supremacist rant 🤯🤯🤯
Wait so let me get this correct. Nazi wants to talk... people get mad because Nazi wants to do Nazi things... University says Nazi can do Nazi things because "Freeze Peach" Nazi does Nazi thing, like everyone said the Nazi would do ... now the University is shocked and pressing charges... If there was only a large group of people who told them the Nazi was a Nazi who would do Nazi things...
Question to the comrades from China (or those who have been there recently):
What car brands are popular in Chinese cities? Not just Tier 1 cities, but smaller ones?
Asking because there's an ever increasing number of Chinese brands in Russia, yet I keep seeing claims that Chinese citizens themselves prefer German and Japanese brands (Audi, Toyota, etc). I understand that they're most likely made in China anyway, but it seems odd.
where's that? it looks super cool!
Rimyongsu Falls , Samjiyon City , Ryanggang Province , DPRK .
I'm an SE dude. We have to do a group project at my university. Sometimes I just wanna scream everytime a professor rejects a good project idea because it wouldn't be economically feasible. Also every competition here is just yet another shitty startup competition where they're more concerned about your business plan than on the utility of your idea.
Ended up having to go with yet another AI idea. At least we don't have to do anything with LLMs \_(o.o)_/
I don't know what I hate more: Orwell or the cult around him.
This is the correct feeling
Wild how you can see the destruction in Ukraine on Google Maps
He loves her and she tolerates him (she secretly loves him too):
I inserted so many links into the Capitalism in Decay Megathread that it is at our software’s character limit and now I can’t insert anything else.
I am unsure what to do with it now other than maybe split it into two megathreads.
There's only one thing we can do, really. Overthrow capitalism. There'll still be lots to say about it's final days. But at least we would stop creating new events and examples to discuss.
i love soup/stew. very proletarian meal if you think about it (no i will not elaborate)
Finally managed to find a home after having to precariously couch surf for nearly 3 weeks. Feels good to have proper internet again. How have things been going meanwhile?
Remember to quote self quoting oppo wishing everyone a good week here
Don't forget "be careful holding artillery shells". The one in the middle looks super precarious.
Suggested caption for the pic: tankie goals
anyone else occasionally look up people's profiles you think are particuarly insightful/entertaining on here and read through to see if you missed anything good from them? only asking cause i know this type of redditlike forum is kinda meant to discourage following particular people but i still do it anyways
What is a 'skill issue'? And where does the phrase come from? I think I get the gist but I'm uncertain.
It comes from gaming originally I think, where someone might complain about a mechanic in the game or tactic the other players use and someone responds with "skill issue" basically blaming the person complaining rather than examining whether the game has issues or not. Very common in very competitive online games, but outside of that I think it is mostly used ironically.
Besides what others have pointed out, it's funny to use the phrase on situations where no reasonable person could think the issue was a lack of skill. Kind of like asking "vaxed?" as a response to someone dying in a car accident or something.
Belgian winter sucks ass. I have seen the sun for maybe three days in the past few months. Otherwise it's just gray or rainy. Great for your vitamin D levels.