Thank you Brion
Good Night everyone. Sweet dreams. ๐
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
Ongoing discussions, FAQs & Resources (still under construction)
Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Thank you Brion
Good Night everyone. Sweet dreams. ๐
I dreamt that I crashed at an old friend's place and woke up to her cooking breakfast listening to Bauhaus while dressed all the way goth'd up. I was thinking in the dream if I should mention how good her breasts looked with the corset, bolero and little mesh covered cleavage window they created. The girl and I were friends 15 years ago but drifted, we had an honest friendship where such things weren't inappropriate, she was doing a science PhD.
Then I changed dream channels and went back to school as mature age, and an uppity Indian mean girl gave me shit for my daggy backpack but it turned out that she was my Indian friend from high school's kid so I snitched to him about his kid being a brat. I'd also bought new boots and class was being held on tablets with rainbow lead pencils for notes.
Dreams hey.
after much fucking around i got some new accounts
i wonder if I use a different browser on reddit i can avoid the block, still blocked
Use Opera, turn the built in VPN on and use a temporary email service to make a new account. It takes a while and you may go through a few accounts on the way. Avoid the subreddits you might've been blocked from. Lookup the list of bots that handle the blocking and block those too. Eventually you can change the email to your usual and you won't need to use Opera to access it. I added a counter to my username and added one to each new account. I'm blocked by IP on r/Australia. I'm still avoiding it for lentish and missing it less and less.
And we love having you here more even if it's just for lentish.
I'm probably not going going back as a regular thing. It's too much of a negative time sink for me. I've grown sus on their content algorithms too. I read recently on lemmy that hoping someone gets luigi'd is now a banable comment.
What does luigi'd mean?
Reference to Luigi Mangione, the American lad who shot the health insurance ceo dead in the street.
Oh right
Packing my reading books, I read a lot of autobiographies, I find them endlessly interesting.
so just a taste of what i buy/read, the dam busters ( husband loves this one too, he was a ballistics scientist ) , Storm over the land, The end of the beginning, we were the rats ( of tobruk )
why old books, i like to see where we came from so I can have some understanding of where we are now
4 boxes packed today so far, 6 to go