My favorite enjoyable morning activity is sleep.
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- Shower
- Cleaning
- Walk around the neighborhood/park
Morning shower is DA THING.
I try to pick a small activity that I cannot do in bed and needs to be done regularly. For me, that’s practicing my instrument. Doesn’t need to be an intense practice, just picking it up and doing some scales and warm ups tends to kick me into a different mode. Also, being part of an orchestra provides the external pressure which means I have to do it.
I would love to get there, but rn, I'm not gonna be coordinated or quick enough to play music.
You’re not going to be coordinated or quick enough until you practice. So go be slow and awkward. You’ll get there. 😊
Ok, fine...I'll find a cheap acoustic guitar somewhere. Thank you!
Mine for a while has been playing Fall Guys. It's a game that's somewhat challenging to do well at, but there's no stakes, and it's a brightly colored game that's good ad giving you a quick "dopamine" hit without sucking you in. It also lets me look at lemmy a bit between rounds, but makes sure I don't get stuck here, forcing me to put it down when the next round starts.
From personal experience, a fresh cup of coffee is what gets me out of bed when I don't have other obligations. I use a percolator, and grind fresh coffee each use (i.e. not prepping it the night before). This helps me keep a routine between the weekdays and weekends.
I switched to tea for a bit after a rough bout of heartburn, worked about the same for me keeping a routine. I much prefer my doom scrolling when I can mimic the Kermit the frog meme with a piping hot morning beverage.
Also, you may be my friend based on the bathroom necessity. If not, you two should form a morning intestinal distress support group.
Thanks! I'm trying to stay away from coffee because it messes with my meds, but I'll ask my doc about green tea.
I think it is very unlikely that I'm your friend, but that support group sounds appealing :)
You would have known from my username haha. Definitely give tea a try, and pick up some interesting varieties, a nice mug, and a fun electronic kettle to simplify / fancify it into a fun part of your morning!
One thing that I used to do is something mentally stimulating, like a crossword or some Tetris or planning next week's meals. Or you could read a chapter of a book.
If you live in a place that is often overcast, or has inclement weather that prevents a 30 minute morning walk... perhaps even regardless of that:
HappyLamp in the morning.
Its a fancier kind of bulb that comes much closer to the full spectrum of the light from the sun.
When I was going through a Seasonal Affective Depression ... arc? era? episode? ... that was prescribed to me to help both the depression, and the circadian rhythm disregulation... both of those often reinforce each other.
Basically you just leave it on in whatever room you're in, in the morning, for 30 to 45 minutes.
But yeah, setting and sticking to a schedule involving activities in the morning is also very good!
Cleaning. I clean before breakfast when not on a work day. It feels good to clean my filthy place after a week of wake up - work - nap - eat - sleep with the occasional Video Games between the after-work nap and night.
Nothing like doing the dishes to get my day started.